MLS select team to play Real Madrid in September | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MLS select team to play Real Madrid in September

Awesome stuff. I think our best players will put up a fight, probably lose 3-1 or something, but show some good stuff, and get interest from some clubs. Maybe the USA players and league will get some respect they have deserved for a while.
Prime Time said:
Awesome stuff. I think our best players will put up a fight, probably lose 3-1 or something, but show some good stuff, and get interest from some clubs. Maybe the USA players and league will get some respect they have deserved for a while.

To even assume that a team of strangers can go against a team that practices everyday together and come up with a decent result is bananas. It is even more bananas when you are talking about a group of stars from maybe the 15th-20th best league in the world going up against a MAJOR world force in Madrid. The only reason the game might be close is because it means NOTHING. In a real match with real ramifications the MLS team wouldn't even touch the ball.
We will see in September. I am looking forward to this match big time.
Madrid has nothing to play for thus it will be half assed....if you don't think so you are setting yourself up for huge dissapointment. Réal players couldn' care less about MLS, all they care about is La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the Champions' League.
Real Madrid by a scoreline of 4-1, maybe not even that close. Real Madrid is like the New York Yankees of European Football, loaded with stars, Ronaldo, Zidane, Figo, Beckham..
Bodzilla29 said:
Madrid has nothing to play for thus it will be half assed....if you don't think so you are setting yourself up for huge dissapointment. Réal players couldn' care less about MLS, all they care about is La Liga, Copa del Rey, and the Champions' League.

I agree. The MLS players will care a lot more about the match and it will be close. I doubt that Madrid will even use their starters since it will be during their season.
IMO the equivalent of the Yankees would be Chelsea...
Deco, Paulo Ferreira, Robben, Cech etc
Abrahamovich woke up a month ago and decided, we might as well sign the best player's from the Champion's league winners...And he did...Literally trying to buy a championship...
They will give Man Utd and the Gunners a run for their money next year...

Real had a very disappointing season and if they play the way they did some games the MLS team could have a decent chance of making a game out of it...The stars don't mean much, just ask the NY Rangers...Every team needs players like Makelele, Davids..hard working, blue collar guys, it was all glamour with Real this year...and it didn't work out very well...
Pink_Dove said:
it was all glamour with Real this year...and it didn't work out very well...

Which is why they bought one of the nastiest(and best) center-halves in the world in Walter Samuel. Also they are trying to buy rugged CM Xavi Alonso from Real Sociedad.
Walter Samuel is a baller. Period. And it is amazing how much money they have. They are going to be better this year. BTW, Chelsea has nowhere near enough talent to say they are the Yankees of Football.
Bodzilla29 said:
Chelsea is one of the 4 or 5 most talented squads on the planet.

Yeah. but to say they are the Yankees of Soccer, over teams like Man U, and Real Madrid is just a no.
Chelsea is the closest thing in the soccer world to the Yankees. Not only are they extremely talented and will contend for the EPL and Champions League titles once again this year, they also spend a ton of money. Since Roman Abromovich bought the club, no club has even gone close to spending as much money as Chelsea. Last year, they bought Duff, Veron, Crespo, Mutu, etc., the list just goes on and on. This year they already signed a pre-contract with Arjen Robben from PSV, and Deco and Ferriera are also going to Chelsea because of Mourinho.
iceblizzard69 said:
Deco and Ferriera are also going to Chelsea because of Mourinho.

Deco is not going to Chelsea, this is media speculation. A couple of days ago on Chelsea TV Peter Kenyon said "why would we buy Deco when we have Joe Cole?"

End of story.

Chelsea have signed Robben, Cech, and Fereirra this year, that is all. And if you believe rumours then Gerrard is on the way, maybe for £30M.
Bodzilla29 said:
Deco is not going to Chelsea, this is media speculation. A couple of days ago on Chelsea TV Peter Kenyon said "why would we buy Deco when we have Joe Cole?"

That isn't the end of story. Madrid had Figo and still got Beckham. If there is a good price for Deco, he will be on Chelsea this upcoming season.
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