Just think. If it werent for clueless fans who play too many video games, watch too little real games, and sweat ESPN personalities (Kornballheiser, almost the whole around the horn crew etc etc..) we wouldnt even have to tolerate these guys.
These guys create personalities and they arent even entertaining. Which is what these casual fans who try and pretend they have real knowledge enjoy. They enjoy the stupid non-sports related skits, and know as little about the games as guys like Greenberg, so their show becomes popular.
Thats all fine and good because I can CHOOSE NOT TO WATCH their shows. But, when they place them in situations like calling games, if I want to watch the game, I havent much of a choice but to hear these clowns talk about a game they know nothing about.
If it werent for their popularity on these stupid MTV style sports shows on ESPN, thanks to the type of fans Im talking about, the rest of us wouldnt have to tolerate them in situations like this.