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More 1972 trivia...


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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What coach in 1971/2 said "I can't recall their names," in reference to the Miami Dolphins' defensive unit, "but they are a matter of great concern to us." ; and thus his foggy memory was translated into Miami's "No-Names Defense," a sobriquet considered by many as too colorless, too uninspired for a group of superior craftsmen.

i cut and pasted most of that ;)
Originally posted by dolphan39
What coach in 1971/2 said "I can't recall their names," in reference to the Miami Dolphins' defensive unit, "but they are a matter of great concern to us." ; and thus his foggy memory was translated into Miami's "No-Names Defense," a sobriquet considered by many as too colorless, too uninspired for a group of superior craftsmen.

i cut and pasted most of that ;)
if ya miss this one, your not a dolphin fan, at least an old dolphin fan!:D
Originally posted by scotgif
George Allen?
good guess, but no. Despite what '06 said, I did not remember this quote off the top of my head. :o ;)
maybe its not as easy as i thought!

Originally posted by dolphan39
good guess, but no. Despite what '06 said, I did not remember this quote off the top of my head. :o ;)
long horns are at home here though, hint, hint!
Re: maybe its not as easy as i thought!

Originally posted by dolfan06
long horns are at home here though, hint, hint!
IMO there was no need to a hint on this one...:rolleyes:
Too eloquent to be Bum Phillips, must have been Tom Landry, as he had to solve them in the SuperBowl
Originally posted by MoFinz
Too eloquent to be Bum Phillips, must have been Tom Landry, as he had to solve them in the SuperBowl
exactly, it was a quote from Tom Laundry before the '71 SB :cool:
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