"morning Practice Report" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"morning Practice Report"


We Are Still Going To The SB
May 24, 2002
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I was there. First and foremost Norv Turner is God. I saw movement from our offense that I have never ever seen before. Ricki Williams is a beast. The Yaints our stupid for letting him go. I think it will show this year that we have a very good receiving corp. And being in Norv's system I think this core is going to be one of the leagues best. This is the most depth we have ever carried into training camp. Every position is deep with talent and skilled players. They may not be big name players but accross the board every one is solid. Our defense is set. The defense worked on some new things this morning as far as getting the Safeties and Linebackes to be more involved in the back field with alot of different blitz packages. I am so excited to see how fresh our offense look with the alignments, shifting, motioning and route that are ran. Ricki is a beast he is going to punish LB, DB's. He looks so fluent. He broke about three long runs this morning. He looks very natural. Ricki looks to be poised for a very big season. And Damn we are so lucky to have Chris "Superman" Chambers. I purchased is Authentic Jersey from the shop this morning for $263.94. Over the weekend this mother****er made every DB look foolish and he caught everything. I mean everything. He's route running has gotten so much better. I dont know how any one is going to cover him. He really is going to be our modern day SUPERMAN. Players to keep and eye on our R.Edwards, looks like he's hungry, ready and has some very good athlectic skills. J. Haley, looks bigger and stronger than ever before, and his very athletic I thinks he's going to give L.Chester a run for his money. I must say L.Chester looks very good himself. Also, the rookie TE R. McMichael looks solid. Solid like how I remember Chris looking when I saw him during Training-Camp last year. I can go on but let me stop. I have to try and calm myself down or I might loose it thinking of all the possibilities this year. I'm going to the afternoon practice so I will report on that later tonight. Any questions please feel free to ask me.
Are you ready for some football?!!!!!I dont need my coffee anymore I think you just gave me the case of pumped-up-anitis!!!
Great news,I cant wait to see them on Direct TV tommorow for the first time this seaon!!!I like everything you said except for Norv being god, no one is god but god, and god forbid he punish our team just cuz you said that. I know it was "just a saying" kind of comment and probably didnt mean it. But PLEASE! lets be careful next time.
"I like everything you said except for Norv being god, no one is god but god, and god forbid"

Shouldnt that be:

I like everything you said except for "Norv being God," no one is God but God, and God forbid

Did Ricky look like he dropped some weight, like in the upper-body? I was watching some film of him back when he was a freshman, soph, and jr here at UT, and the word fluid came to mind. I haven't heard anyone refer to him that way on a message board yet, so I was curious if he looked a bit lighter. I have noticed that with the Saints, he was around 235-245lbs and looked "top heavy". When he was at UT, he was usually around 225 or 230lbs at the most and looked so smooth. Glad everyone else is looking good, especially Chambers. We're going to be a very solid team.
I'm not sure if this is the offense that Ricky wants to lose a little bit of weight for. He was originally told to gain some to be able to take a season long pounding as an everydown back. Now with Norv he's gonna get the ball as many times as possible (and I'm talkin 30-35 times a game with Runs and Receptions added) and the hitting may take more toll if he's down to 230 lbs.

Norv loves the cutback. I hope Ricky likes the cutback too. And I hope Ricky starts avoiding a little contact.
DW said that he's at the low 230's now, wants him to drop another 5 lbs. Said he was close to 250 last year.
It has been reported that Ricky is working harder than ever before and is down 10 pounds since the trade to about 230ish. His goal is being around 225 by the first game or so.
Gee CK, maybe you should contact RW and let him know your concerns about his weight. He obviously doesn't understand the weight implications of this offense the way you do.
I read that RW was at 228 last week.

And thanks for the report, Crazy!!
Originally posted by Dr. Love
Gee CK, maybe you should contact RW and let him know your concerns about his weight. He obviously doesn't understand the weight implications of this offense the way you do.

Do you have a problem with stating opinions on a message board made for stating opinions? Think someone needs to grow up a little bit...
Nice report crazy! But please... its Ricky .. as in Ricky "I'm gonna gain 1500 yards this year" Williams ... not as in Ricki "I'm gonna eat 1500 hohos this year" Lake.
Originally posted by mee
Nice report crazy! But please... its Ricky .. as in Ricky "I'm gonna gain 1500 yards this year" Williams ... not as in Ricki "I'm gonna eat 1500 hohos this year" Lake.

HAAA!! :lol: Ricki Lake is a sow!

Thanks for the fix Crazy, I can now go take my accounting final tonight with some semblance of peace of mind. ;)
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