Mort Chat Rap!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Mort Chat Rap!!


Perennial All-Pro
Aug 5, 2002
Reaction score
Bellingham, MA
"Mike: Mort, losing Ricky was a big blow. Losing Boston, after Ricky, was an even bigger blow. I still think they are capable of making the playoffs although it will be tough. How do you think Travis Minor will do this season as their feature RB (and will he remaing the starter all season)? Has the O-line improved from last year?

Chris Mortensen: The Dolphins don't have to pack it in because they have one of the better defenses in football. Yes, their offensive line has shown considerable improvement (so far) and Travis Minor will split time with Sammy Morris or another back currently not on the roster. The key is no more injuries, the defense and the peformance of Fiedler or Feeley. I do not see them as a playoff team, however."

Not bad for a guy who isn't a big Miami fan.
F150&Dolfan said:
"Mike: Mort, losing Ricky was a big blow. Losing Boston, after Ricky, was an even bigger blow. I still think they are capable of making the playoffs although it will be tough. How do you think Travis Minor will do this season as their feature RB (and will he remaing the starter all season)? Has the O-line improved from last year?

Chris Mortensen: The Dolphins don't have to pack it in because they have one of the better defenses in football. Yes, their offensive line has shown considerable improvement (so far) and Travis Minor will split time with Sammy Morris or another back currently not on the roster. The key is no more injuries, the defense and the peformance of Fiedler or Feeley. I do not see them as a playoff team, however."

Not bad for a guy who isn't a big Miami fan.
Too bad the Phins are gonna be Super Bowl Champs. :D
Harping on your fellow fan for thinking we can win the SB? What is the point of that?
everyone said the stl cardinals had to many ?s wtih pitching and that they would do no beter then 3rd and finisgh behind the cubs and astros... and now look at them. best record in baseball! TIme for the fins to answer theirs and surprise people! Go fins!
Hey if Baltimore can win the Super Bowl w/Trent Dilfer and going what?? 10-12 quarters w/o scorning a TD........
God, someone is positive about our playoff hopes and he gets knocked down? Then what's the point of being a fan if not to cheer and hope for the best?
Travis Minor will split time with Sammy Morris or another back currently not on the roster.

I haven't heard much about bringing in another rb since Boston got hurt. Is Wanny still loking for a rb?
JimsFins4 said:
I give you HOMER Simpson ladies and gents:shakeno:

I you type that like it's a bad thing!

I do believe Mort predicted that Miami WOULDN"T make the playoffs LAST year too....

He said BUFFALO would win the division and picked the Fins to finish LAST in the division in 2003....No big surprise he doesn't think they can make it this year....
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