moving on up | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

moving on up


Jan 30, 2005
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Port Charlotte
Quick question, is it possible to package both number 2's to move up to a late first, say maybe NO at 27 and pick up Joe Staley?
That is if we are lucky enough to get Quinn at 9!
Yes its a definate possibility, lots of different ways you could do it. Is it likely? Who knows.
I like Joe Staley, he's going to surprise a lot of people. He's fast and has tremendous upside. Would love for us to get him but that is JMO.
Quick question, is it possible to package both number 2's to move up to a late first, say maybe NO at 27 and pick up Joe Staley?
That is if we are lucky enough to get Quinn at 9!

Certainly possible. I think Staley's a better LT prospect than even Levi Brown. I haven't seen agility in a guy that big since Walter Jones. Quinn at 9 followed by Staley is an A+ draft no matter who they draft afterwards.
Draft chart has with us giving up both number 2s
which would translate to the #21 pick in round one
I think I may like that
Certainly possible. I think Staley's a better LT prospect than even Levi Brown. I haven't seen agility in a guy that big since Walter Jones. Quinn at 9 followed by Staley is an A+ draft no matter who they draft afterwards.

Can't argue w/ that. If after 2 rounds Miami has Quinn and Staley, and didn't give up anything high in next year's draft . . . that would be an amazing draft.
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