All this talk of our new OC has me wondering what kind of QB he likes. I've seen post that mostly talk about him likeing the Kordell Stewart/Losman kind of running QB. Does this mean a quicker end to Gus?
If he really likes that kind of QB, would the team and Saban be interested in Marcus Vick? I know he's had some trouble in college, but now that he declaired and most think he is a better prospect then Mike, what do you think?
I think we already have tons of questions for how next year will play out. I can't wait.
If he really likes that kind of QB, would the team and Saban be interested in Marcus Vick? I know he's had some trouble in college, but now that he declaired and most think he is a better prospect then Mike, what do you think?
I think we already have tons of questions for how next year will play out. I can't wait.