My 2 cents | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My 2 cents


Practice Squad
Mar 3, 2002
Reaction score
Hamilton, Ontario
Yes this is my 2 cents. I traded 4 cents next year to have my 2 cents this year :)

I was one of the ones utterly pissed with the Eddie Moore pick but the more thought I put into this the more comfortable I feel. I keep hearing about how this guy is the best coverage LB in the draft. A guy who could possibly convert to safety (yes I know he won't here....just stating how good his coverage skills could be).

Why this is a good pick? How many times have people mentioned the following things:

-Rodgers sucks, Morlon sucks
-We got beat by pass catching RB's
-Seau is a run stopping LB whose coverage skills are lacking

So yes this is a good fit. Moore will earn his 2nd round status if he can come in here and stop the RB's from chipping away with thier passes out of the backfield. Plus lets face it. Seau is here 2 years tops. This kid will start then if he's cracked up for it. Heck if he is cracked up for it then Seau will be at the strong side next year. Then in the 3rd/4th next year we can look for a strong side LB to groom for Seau's eventual replacement when he retires.

Also after seeing what the phins were trying to spend to get into the round one in that trade with the Saints I am glad we went this way.

Also there was a lot of talk when Eddie was drafted that he went too high. Well many teams picked LB's pretty high that day. If you didn't then all you were getting were projects (like we did with our offensive line in the 3rd) and I doubt any of you wanted LB projects along with offensive line projects. Also I've heard a few times now about interest from Tampa Bay at the end of the 2nd and also from Eddie himself that he expected to go to Dallas/Cleveland in the 3rd.

Only thing that I was disappointed in was that we couldn't find a reasonable trade to get one of the better OT prospects. That was a minus and could come back to haunt us this season as we are counting on a rookie to play at least 2-3 games at LT when counting in Dixon's annual injury.

Grade: B+

Ok that's pick 2 (Heh I don't speak often but when I do look out! :lol: )

Wade Smith. Interesting prospect and I said before the draft even if we drafted a LT we should draft a project and we did. This is a key pick though as we spent a 2nd next year. This kid has to start by next year or it was a wasted pick. This is most likely to be the failure pick of the draft.

Grade: D+

Taylor Whitley. DO NOT underestimate this kid. Guards slipped badly in this draft. You only have to look as far as Eric Steinback being the first guard taken in the 2nd round as proof. Whitley was only the 5th Guard taken during a run on guards (3 went in 8 picks with Whitley being the last).

Dixons close to retirement. Nails is coming off a major injury and he could slip back into old habits at McDonalds. Perry is close to being a salary cap casualty and is no spring chicken himself. So this pick is a very important one and we got great value at this pick. I expect this kid to be the 2nd of this draft to be an eventual starter.

Grade: A-

Donald Lee. Boy this kid is interesting. Strong blocker who was misused ala Chambers. With the talk about leaving 4 WR sets behind we are going to use a lot of 2 TE sets. Value pick at 5th round. Gives us the chance to change into a Colts style 2 TE offense which should make us unpredictable.

Grade: B

J.R. Tolver. Can't diss a comp pick even if he fails miserably it was a freebie pick. All that we really have to ask for him is to win a 4th WR spot. If he makes it then this is an A pick. Even if he doesn't .........again it was a free pick. Can't bitch about that.

Grade: A

Corey Jenkins. Interesting guy. Big hitter but then he was only in 2 games. Pretty risky pick to be trading up for as we spent 2 7th's to move up. My guess is they have him on the roster as a LB but this is purely a Tommy Hendricks style special teamer who is going to abuse his body.

Grade: C+ (B+ if we didn't spend 2 7th's to move up and he wasn't so old).

Tim Provost. All he has to do is make the cut. He won't have much competition and just has to prove that there is room to grow. Could be our future Micheal Thompson (hopefully without the injuries).

Grade: B

Yeremiah Bell. My vote as most likely to not make the cut. We are deep at DB and if we sign Knight I don't see this kid beating out McGarrahan. Only way this kid makes it is if we cut McGarrahan to save a few $$$.

Grade: C-

Davern Williams. Throw away pick I guess. Even if one of our DT's went down we would just use Williams inside more and Williams would only see on a few plays to give breathers.

Grade: C

Overall: B

I like this draft. We have 21 starters back and there simply wasn't many holes to fill. However the one hole we had we didn't fill and that was LT. What we do have now is a lot of depth and christ in this day and age I am damn impressed that we have some. We could survive an injury at LB now. We could survive injury at guard and along the offensive line. This draft is far better then last years. I see 2 future definate starters on this team and one possible one along with one contributor ala Travis Minor style which would hold true to the phins recent drafting history:

2002: Starters: McMicheal. Future Starters: McKinney
2001: Starters: Greenwood (shouldn't count it though ;p he sucks) Future Starters: Chambers. Contributer: Minor
2000: Starter: Todd Wade. Future Starters: Freeman. Contributor: Dyer
1999: Starter: Rob Konrad. Contributor: Haley (wow what a horrible draft.......J.J. Johnson, Grey Ruegamer, Cecil Collins, Brent Bartholomew oh my!)
Interesting critique, Van.

Just to put some thoughts in play, I'd say I'm somewhat more optimistic about Wade Smith. Let me ask you this: Although we picked him as our LT project or late-season come-on, if he doesn't show the stuff for that tricky and critically important position, is he someone who could move inside to guard in the pro's? If so, we may be ensured of getting AT LEAST Starting Guard value out of him. Granted, it may not be starting talent for a position we particularly need, say, next year, but would the transition be possible if necessary? Not ideal, but we could look to free agent market again next season for LT. So, just curious: Do you think Smith has the attributes (skills/size/talent) to AT LEAST play guard in the NFL?

The other thing: trading two sevenths for a sixth (when you still have a third seventh, anyway)

As I've said elsewhere, on a team-by-team basis, a seventh round pick is just one step removed from an undrafted free agent you have walk in off the street. If you take a hard look at one of those "draft pick position value" cheat sheets, you'll see that the projected value of a 7th round pick ranks slightly above bread crumbs. Packaging two of your sevenths for a 6th strikes me as getting away with something, -- I'm surprised we even got anyone to bite.
I believe Wade Smith if he doesn't fit at LT would then move to RT and back up Wade at RT creating naming confusion galore. I don't believe he's guard material as he's a converted TE whose spent all his time playing TE/RT/LT.
do u guys think that Provost will get a shot at LT to see what he has? i heard he played LT RT and G. im wodering if they are going to see what he does at LT first so then if we score on both Smith and Provost, we eventually move dixon to G. whaddayathink?
Originally posted by VanDolPhan
I believe Wade Smith if he doesn't fit at LT would then move to RT and back up Wade at RT creating naming confusion galore. I don't believe he's guard material as he's a converted TE whose spent all his time playing TE/RT/LT.

wade smith will be a LT, i garruantee it. he is very athletic but above that is very adaptable to change and is a smart cookie.
Originally posted by finfan54

wade smith will be a LT, i garruantee it. he is very athletic but above that is very adaptable to change and is a smart cookie.

I think Wise will have him up and running as our starting LT by next season, latest. My question about his "switchability" to guard was more a matter of curiousity -- whether there happened to be a fallback that means we'd get significant value even if he DIDN'T make the cut as our LT.
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Let me be the first to predict ... given Wade Smith's experience as a tight end... that at some perfect moment... Norv's gonna put those hands to use.

Yet another thing for defenses to have to worry about.:)
Good point Phan4ever

I wouldn't be surprised to see him as an elligible receiver on short and goal with McMichael, Lee and Thompson.
Okay, it's settled. They break huddle, move up to the line, then Jay calls, Chinese Fire Drill, and our entire offensive line switches spots. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Van interesting analysis...

althought I completey disagree with your assessment with Wade Smith...I actually think he might be the most likely to succeed.

Of all the picks I think he has the most tremendous upside...and really not that much of a downside.

Just an opinion...I just think we have to be a bit patient with him.
I think another thing to give thought to regarding Moore and why he may be a decent pick up is for quite awhile now our special teams have been average in most areas and worse in other areas. Its been years since ST scored a TD. Well we need more than Charlie Rogers we need someone to block for him, too. Maybe thats why we picked Moore. I'm just speculating.
I must say, now that the dust has cleared, my criticism of the has dampened a great deal. The more I hear about Moore, the more I see him as having huge potential ... even to the point of inheiriting Zach's spot down the road. Above all, he seems to be the polar opposite of Derrick Rodgers in attitude, and that's what we've been seeking to upgrade in our defensive pickups this offseason.

I see Wade Smith as coming along quicker than anyone predicts. He has great feet, a HUGE factor at LT. I also like Phan4Ever's precognition of the old tackle-eligible play.

That plus the impending signing of Griese at backup makes me breathe a lot easier.
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