The Confessor
Doesnt play well with others
I am going to change my FH name and I would like input from the Preemies and will probably create a vote after we get some names.
First, when I started FH, I had no idea how much I would be dragged in (Kindve like Starbucks coffee-and no that isnt a bad thing). I found a neat site through a google search for DOlphins sites cause I wanted MUCH more than could offer, needless to say, I found it. When I first created my name it just kindve was the first thing I could think of. I am not particularly fond of Arizona (Even though I have met MANY great people here, and work has been fruitfull) and I dont really associate myself as being an Arizonan even though I pay taxes here...
ssoooooo all that being said, a few characteristics that best describe me:
Dark hair and an aboslute Ladies man.....eerrr sorry this is the wrong site for that.....
I grew up in the great state of New Mexico and went to school at The University of New Mexico- Hence my first choice of being LoboHobo (Marty liked that one).
I grew up in "The Atomic City" of Los Alamos aptly named cause that's where Robert Oppenheimer set up shop to create the worlds first Atomic Bomb there. I might want to leave that part out, unless somebody can think up something cryptically clever.
I am an avid skiier, and in fact if I could, I would spend most of my life doing nothing else....and I used to. Now that I have a "Real Job" and a family, cant do that much anymore.
I am of Scott-Irish (Black-Irish) background, but I think somebody already has that avenue covered...:unsure:
Obviously, Wolves are a large part of my mojo. I have had 2 wolf-hybrids, I understand the social structure they follow love and admire the icon they represent.
Lastly, I would like to implement this fairly quickly. Much like the new beginnings of both Finheaven (Dophinsnation- cant thank those repsonsible enough) and our beloved Dolphins, I want to start am now at your disposal
aka: Formerly azfinfanmang
First, when I started FH, I had no idea how much I would be dragged in (Kindve like Starbucks coffee-and no that isnt a bad thing). I found a neat site through a google search for DOlphins sites cause I wanted MUCH more than could offer, needless to say, I found it. When I first created my name it just kindve was the first thing I could think of. I am not particularly fond of Arizona (Even though I have met MANY great people here, and work has been fruitfull) and I dont really associate myself as being an Arizonan even though I pay taxes here...
ssoooooo all that being said, a few characteristics that best describe me:
Dark hair and an aboslute Ladies man.....eerrr sorry this is the wrong site for that.....
I grew up in the great state of New Mexico and went to school at The University of New Mexico- Hence my first choice of being LoboHobo (Marty liked that one).
I grew up in "The Atomic City" of Los Alamos aptly named cause that's where Robert Oppenheimer set up shop to create the worlds first Atomic Bomb there. I might want to leave that part out, unless somebody can think up something cryptically clever.
I am an avid skiier, and in fact if I could, I would spend most of my life doing nothing else....and I used to. Now that I have a "Real Job" and a family, cant do that much anymore.
I am of Scott-Irish (Black-Irish) background, but I think somebody already has that avenue covered...:unsure:
Obviously, Wolves are a large part of my mojo. I have had 2 wolf-hybrids, I understand the social structure they follow love and admire the icon they represent.
Lastly, I would like to implement this fairly quickly. Much like the new beginnings of both Finheaven (Dophinsnation- cant thank those repsonsible enough) and our beloved Dolphins, I want to start am now at your disposal
aka: Formerly azfinfanmang