My would be tight | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My would be tight


☠️ Banned ☠️
Feb 11, 2006
Reaction score
So. Fla.

Unrestricted FA's:



Kevin Carter....too big of a cap hit, and not a very nice guy i met him at the for draft pick/picks.

Joey Harrington.....With Lemon resigned and DC goona be healthy(Hope) harrington is the odd one out.....i think we trade him to the browns for a 4th/5th round pick

Free Agents:
who i think we should go after.......

LG, Chris Deilman, coached by CC and Hudson Houck at San Diego

LT, Lenord Davis
compliments of

OLB, Lance Briggs.....rumored to want to come to miami, has expressed doubt in wanting to play in chicago any longer.
If not landed we look to draft......(Paul Posluszny)

CB, David Macklin or Asanute Samuel if price tag not too high (doubtful)


1st, Trade down to Green bay at 16, get a 2nd round pick as compensation and/or a future first day draft pick

1st, Draft Dwaynee Jarett USC

2nd round-7th round...didnt have much time to research so ill say we draft o-line and D-line

sum wear in the draft we take Jared Zabranski

Depth Chart:


QB- Daunte Culpepper, Cleo Lemon, Jared Zabranski

RB- Ronnie Brown, Ricky Williams, Travis Minor

FB- darian Barnes * Still not sold on him

WR- Chris CHambers, Wes Welker

TE- Randy Mcmike, Justin Pelle

RT- Mt Vernon

RG- L.J. Shelton

C- Rex Hadnot

LG- Chris Dielmen

LT- Lenord Davis

WR- Dwayne Jarett, Marcus Vick


DE- Matt Roth

DT- Fred Evans

DT- Vonnie Holiday

DE- Jason Taylor

OLB- Lance Briggs

MLB- Zach Attack

OLB- Channing Crowder

CB- Will Allen

CB- Macklin(most Likely) Samuel(hope)

SS- Yerimiah Bell

FS- Renaldo Hill

Special Teams

K- Olindo Mare

P- Donnie Jones

LS- John Denney

Ok let me have it questions comments!!!!!

Adalius Thomas would be a better fit then Lance Briggs in the 3-4 defense and would like to see them pursue him more then Briggs.
Adalius Thomas would be a better fit then Lance Briggs in the 3-4 defense and would like to see them pursue him more then Briggs.
i think Thomas is goin to want more money.........
I think that because if rumor true and Briggs really dose want to come to miami he will be willing to negotiate to our standards not to his but hey its just a rumor!!!
REsign Vickerson, trade booker (he is still under contract), resign morris, let go Minor, you took the words out of my mouth with the trade down, i thought the same things. Do you think GB will trade up, if Quinn was available at our pick, I would pull the trigger and ask for a 1st, 2nd, switch 3rd picks, 5th, and 4th next year.
Good luck getting a 4th or 5th rounder for Harrington. I wouldn't take Harrington for a 7th rounder if I was Cleveland. Charlie Frye is twice the QB of Joey.
i think Thomas is goin to want more money.........
I think that because if rumor true and Briggs really dose want to come to miami he will be willing to negotiate to our standards not to his but hey its just a rumor!!!
Either way one of the two would be a great pickup it is just that I think Thomas would be a better fit in our defensive scheme and could be the pass rusher the Fins will need when JT calls it quits.
REsign Vickerson, trade booker (he is still under contract), resign morris, let go Minor, you took the words out of my mouth with the trade down, i thought the same things. Do you think GB will trade up, if Quinn was available at our pick, I would pull the trigger and ask for a 1st, 2nd, switch 3rd picks, 5th, and 4th next year.
hah i think they would trade up for defense such as gains adams or if quin be thier then yes i think we have a hole bunch of leverage in trading down lol then we could get some serious draft picks!!
Either way one of the two would be a great pickup it is just that I think Thomas would be a better fit in our defensive scheme and could be the pass rusher the Fins will need when JT calls it quits.
Good luck getting a 4th or 5th rounder for Harrington. I wouldn't take Harrington for a 7th rounder if I was Cleveland. Charlie Frye is twice the QB of Joey.
he holds the ball to long they want a QB with a quick release and i think the Browns would, Joey has proven he can manage a game.....
he holds the ball to long they want a QB with a quick release and i think the Browns would, Joey has proven he can manage a game.....

The reason Joey has a quick release is becuase he knows he can't hit anything downfield so he just checks down before he even takes the snap. Harrington isn't the guy who will turn the Browns around, it would be Detroit all over again.
Keep Joey, Trade Chambers, release Minor and Vick, Keep Holiday or Carter
I don't think Booker is a UFA. He signed his 7 year contract in 2002.
The reason Joey has a quick release is becuase he knows he can't hit anything downfield so he just checks down before he even takes the snap. Harrington isn't the guy who will turn the Browns around, it would be Detroit all over again.
i didnt say he would trun them around i said he has proven he can manage a game something Fry tends not to do!!!!!! i also think if they drafted AP and had a running game it would help any QB they have thier
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