My opinion. My review. My 2 cents. take it for what its worth | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My opinion. My review. My 2 cents. take it for what its worth


Ready for Henne.
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Ok, first and foremost, im going to get this off my chest. We played the Pittsburgh Steelers, and they are the current reigning super bowl champions. Their starting QB did not play, but im telling you this, if he had, the game would not have gone any differently. The steelers only have two QBs on there roster, and the only reason a team does that, is because thhey know their backup can go in and play just as good as the starter can if needed. So spare me the "charlie batch is garbage" stuff, because Batch is a smart veteran who went mistake free last night. As for the rest of the steelers, they still look like champions. That defense is still top 3 in the league, and they showed it. Casey hampton, Troy Polamalue, and Joey Porter proved why their all considered the best at their positions in the NFL respectably. Im not ashamed to say we lost to the champs.

Now for the individual Call outs:

Mularkeys play calling:
Last season, Saban kept Linehan on a pretty short leash, and he cut it even shorter near the mid point of the season by forcing Linehan to stand on the sidelines while play calling. I expect the same to happen to Mularkey soon enough. His play calling wasn't terrible, but its going to have to change. Also, i want to note this (and yes, i know it sucks) the truth about Mularkeys offense is that it is NOT a come-from-behind offense. Its designed to have the lead. Also, its designed to have a strong running game, which we'll have in the coming weeks, because again, we won't be playing a super bowl winning Defense.

Culpeppers Interceptions:
I thought the first one was a good decision by Culpepper, I still can't believe Troy P. made that play. That was just a great play by a great player. As for the second, i have no excuse for that. Bad call Daunte. However, i do want to point this out, Daunte threw INTs at the end of the 4th Qtr, when he was trying to win the game, rather then manage it. Now of course, this is not acceptable, but it is forgivable. Daunte was trying to do to much, and for a guy whose eager to prove hes still one of the best, its understandable that he tried to force it. Again, its not acceptable, but he won't consistantly do this. He'll also get a lot more help on the ground in the next few weeks.

Heath Miller TD:
This is what happens when an offensive coordinater calls the perfect play against the perfect defense to run it on. We covered the flats with our corners. Will allen was forced to come down and cover the receiver, where as Zach had to cover the middle. I didn't really see the safety on the play, but im assuming he was playing mid field, and was forced to make a decision to either cover his right, or his left. he chose right, Batch threw left. This was just a good call.

Players that showed me something:
Wes Welker...The legend.
Marty Booker
Will Allen
Renaldo Hill
The offensive line on Pass Protection. Overall, they were pretty solid here considering what the steelers can do when rushing the passer.

Players that dissappointed me:
Chris Chambers. (Im sorry, Ike taylor is not that good, and chambers should have been a bigger part of this game. He dropped a catchable TD, and a catchable deep ball. There was good coverage on both, but great recievers catch those anyway.)
The offensive line on Run blocking.
Jason Taylor. He only had one sack, and it was clearly a coverage sack. It just seemed like to me, he wasn't bringing it the way we all know he can.

The BIG picture:
The next three games are clearly winnable games. The dolphins have no one but themselves to blame if they do not win them. Our schedule is easy this season, if you go through the list, and have the dolphins lose the games, they should lose, and win the games they should win, we should be sitting at around 10-6. this isn't my prediction, cause i know football doesn't work that way. Its gonna be a long season, and i think we're gonna have ups that make us feel like kings, and we're gonna have downs that make us feel like dirt. Thats football at its finest. I have faith in this team though, and if nothing else, we gave the defending champs a fight. And im proud of that.
Saban4prez said:
Ok, first and foremost, im going to get this off my chest. We played the Pittsburgh Steelers, and they are the current reigning super bowl champions. Their starting QB did not play, but im telling you this, if he had, the game would not have gone any differently. The steelers only have two QBs on there roster, and the only reason a team does that, is because thhey know their backup can go in and play just as good as the starter can if needed. So spare me the "charlie batch is garbage" stuff, because Batch is a smart veteran who went mistake free last night. As for the rest of the steelers, they still look like champions. That defense is still top 3 in the league, and they showed it. Casey hampton, Troy Polamalue, and Joey Porter proved why their all considered the best at their positions in the NFL respectably. Im not ashamed to say we lost to the champs.

Now for the individual Call outs:

Mularkeys play calling:
Last season, Saban kept Linehan on a pretty short leash, and he cut it even shorter near the mid point of the season by forcing Linehan to stand on the sidelines while play calling. I expect the same to happen to Mularkey soon enough. His play calling wasn't terrible, but its going to have to change. Also, i want to note this (and yes, i know it sucks) the truth about Mularkeys offense is that it is NOT a come-from-behind offense. Its designed to have the lead. Also, its designed to have a strong running game, which we'll have in the coming weeks, because again, we won't be playing a super bowl winning Defense.

Culpeppers Interceptions:
I thought the first one was a good decision by Culpepper, I still can't believe Troy P. made that play. That was just a great play by a great player. As for the second, i have no excuse for that. Bad call Daunte. However, i do want to point this out, Daunte threw INTs at the end of the 4th Qtr, when he was trying to win the game, rather then manage it. Now of course, this is not acceptable, but it is forgivable. Daunte was trying to do to much, and for a guy whose eager to prove hes still one of the best, its understandable that he tried to force it. Again, its not acceptable, but he won't consistantly do this. He'll also get a lot more help on the ground in the next few weeks.

Heath Miller TD:
This is what happens when an offensive coordinater calls the perfect play against the perfect defense to run it on. We covered the flats with our corners. Will allen was forced to come down and cover the receiver, where as Zach had to cover the middle. I didn't really see the safety on the play, but im assuming he was playing mid field, and was forced to make a decision to either cover his right, or his left. he chose right, Batch threw left. This was just a good call.

Players that showed me something:
Wes Welker...The legend.
Marty Booker
Will Allen
Renaldo Hill
The offensive line on Pass Protection. Overall, they were pretty solid here considering what the steelers can do when rushing the passer.

Players that dissappointed me:
Chris Chambers. (Im sorry, Ike taylor is not that good, and chambers should have been a bigger part of this game. He dropped a catchable TD, and a catchable deep ball. There was good coverage on both, but great recievers catch those anyway.)
The offensive line on Run blocking.
Jason Taylor. He only had one sack, and it was clearly a coverage sack. It just seemed like to me, he wasn't bringing it the way we all know he can.

The BIG picture:
The next three games are clearly winnable games. The dolphins have no one but themselves to blame if they do not win them. Our schedule is easy this season, if you go through the list, and have the dolphins lose the games, they should lose, and win the games they should win, we should be sitting at around 10-6. this isn't my prediction, cause i know football doesn't work that way. Its gonna be a long season, and i think we're gonna have ups that make us feel like kings, and we're gonna have downs that make us feel like dirt. Thats football at its finest. I have faith in this team though, and if nothing else, we gave the defending champs a fight. And im proud of that.

Good post, I just hope the sky is falling crowd doesn't get to loud this week. It's one game on the road agains't the Superbowl Champs. We played okay with no running game or pass rush and still had a chance to win in the 4th. Not to shabby if you ask me.
Agree with your assessment of JT. He didn't have the usual energy last night in my opinion. I don't think his back is quite right, and may not be the entire season, but he is a warrior and will suck it up.

Also, maybe the problems with his wife have left him a little spent. Even after his sack, he wasn't his usually exuberant self.
Very good post, and very refreshing from all the fans that are already calling it a season. Miami will play 15 more game, the players will get more in sync, and will make less mistakes.

This team played well enough last night to win, and made enough mistakes to lose it, in time the mistakes will be less, I have confidence in Saban. Lets not forget that when the Pats won their 1st superbowl, they were blown out by the Bills.
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