My thoughts on the Washington game and the future | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

My thoughts on the Washington game and the future


Wa Wa Wee Wa
May 6, 2003
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Well it was satisfying to see a win and especially a long 20+ yd ricky run for a TD. But I still don't think it was Fiedler who "did" it himself. 5/10 and a 68.3 QB rating, 3 rushes -3 yds is kinda mediocre even for one quarter. I don't think the scrambling of Jay had an effect considering Griese actually had more yards on the ground. And Griese still had a decent 82.1 QB rating. So Jay didn't play better than Griese.

Jay probably just provided a small spark since the defense obviously woke up somewhere. But you'll get the same effect if Wanny decided to get in the pocket and cut anyone who lets him get sacked. Sparks can be easily taken away.

I'll just watch the Dallas game but if Jay screws up again, it's time to put Griese back in. 3.5 years of disappointment from Jay and we give 4 games to Griese.
What's -3 yards rushing when he was kneeling to kill the clock got to do with anything? Greise is a Turn Over Machine. Has he gone one game without a TO? Fiedler has to protect the ball and not try to be a hero. He was doing that before his injury.
His QB rating compared to Jay's is meaningless to me due to those 2 INTs he threw. As said above Griese turns the ball over and takes sacks WAY to much.

Our defense cannot be dominant when they are exahausted from playing the whole game with no offensive drives.
Ok let me take a shot

Well it was satisfying to see a win and especially a long 20+ yd ricky run for a TD. But I still don't think it was Fiedler who "did" it himself. 5/10 and a 68.3 QB rating, 3 rushes -3 yds is kinda mediocre even for one quarter. I don't think the scrambling of Jay had an effect considering Griese actually had more yards on the ground. And Griese still had a decent 82.1 QB rating. So Jay didn't play better than Griese.

Jay probably just provided a small spark since the defense obviously woke up somewhere. But you'll get the same effect if Wanny decided to get in the pocket and cut anyone who lets him get sacked. Sparks can be easily taken away.

I'll just watch the Dallas game but if Jay screws up again, it's time to put Griese back in. 3.5 years of disappointment from Jay and we give 4 games to Griese.

Well it seems like aside from that fluke 80 yd catch by McKnight, BG couldn't lead this offense effectively. Not taking any shots at BG. It just seems that his timing with the recievers are way off. He made some poor decisions especially on that int on the 6 because it's essentially the same play that they tried to get off on the last play of the indy game, except Chambers wasn't open, and he had both RW and RM both open underneath, which would have gotten us a first down.

JF may not have done much numbers wise, but it seems to me that obviously you weren't watching the game, or if you were, you just have such a disdain for JF, that you can't even give him his props. What did JF do? well for one, he efficiently used our go to guy.. CC. Who by the way, happens to be our most talented yet underused wr over the past few weeks. His ability to scramble effectively forces a defense to stay in their gaps or risk opening up a big hole for him to run through. So becasue JF came into the game, what happens our o-line looks better, when the o-line blocks better, they gain confidence and we can open up the playbook more. When we open up the playbook more and our O-line blocks better then RW gets holes to run thorugh and starts running harder and gaining more yardage, as a result of RW running harder and gaining more yardage, we're getting first downs, as a result of getting first downs, we scored twice, but most importantly orchestrated two very long drives that kept a hot offense off the field, which in turn gave our tired and over worked defense time to rest, and make two game winning stops when it counted.

Now if you can honestly say that DW inserting JF into the game wasn't a momentum shifter and a game changer, than it's obvious that you're extremely biased to the point were you can't give solid unbiased criticisms.

I hope we don't see BG behind center again this year, becasue not only was his lack of mobility hurting us, but the last two games he was clearly off and missing recievers downfield. And that supposed to be his strength...

so what is he good for? Face it BG can't play behind a poor or mediocre o-line, and unfortunately that's our situation.

Hey for all we know JF could start this Thursday and stink up the joint, but one things for sure, JF was the difference maker last night. Give that man his props.
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I wouldn't expect less from the man who gave Jay one feeble compliment and immediately retracted it. It's pathetic that you can't get behind the team you claim to support...
Originally posted by BuGaLoU
Our defense cannot be dominant when they are exahausted from playing the whole game with no offensive drives.
Ya know - through all the QB debates, this could be the most signifigant statistic - time of possession. I don't have the official JF vs. BG stats, but I believe our time of possession is much higher with Fiedler in there. It makes a huge difference. Not only does it keep the defense fresh, but the opposing offense can't score if they don't have the ball.
Griese is just too predictasble. What pisses me off even more is that Brian Griese has the talent, it's his heart that sucks!!
Originally posted by Jimmy James
I wouldn't expect less from the man who gave Jay one feeble compliment and immediately retracted it. It's pathetic that you can't get behind the team you claim to support...

Look, I'm behind the team, it's just I'm not very confident with Fiedler in the pocket. I once supported Fiedler over Damon Huard, but that didn't go anywhere except disappointment with brief periods of joy. It's pathetic that you people overlook the errors Fiedler has made again and again over 3 YEARS and you people criticize Griese for what he has done in 4 GAMES. I'll bet once Griese gets more comfortable in the offense next preseason, he'll outshine Fiedler. We should at least give Griese the same opportunity as Fiedler next season.

At least he has the motivation and the heart for the team he's rooted for since his childhood days(In an interview during his Denver days, he said he still roots for the team his dad played for). He's doing what fans can only dream of: to play for his favorite team. It's the only reason why he took a pay cut. He obviously wants the team to win and was the first to congraduate Fiedler, who himself nearly got picked off 2 times. Even if we have to alternate Fiedler and Griese in games like Miami did way back with Woodley/Strock, I'll be happy.

We'll see what happens in Dallas before I change allegiance back to Fiedler.
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