Maynard the Hammer
you are the nail
from post #3 from this thread.
i dont really care about the points, but i think its worth me pointing out that if anyone has read 6K of my near 7K posts, the absolute last thing anyone would ever accuse me of is being an anti-semite or a jew-hater.
in fact, through a 13 page thread, not a single person (including our fin-brother living in Tel Aviv) took issue with my post ...well aside from the mod, of course.
i would confidently say the everyone participating in that thread knew exactly what i meant with that post.
i dont really care about the points, but i think its worth me pointing out that if anyone has read 6K of my near 7K posts, the absolute last thing anyone would ever accuse me of is being an anti-semite or a jew-hater.
in fact, through a 13 page thread, not a single person (including our fin-brother living in Tel Aviv) took issue with my post ...well aside from the mod, of course.
i would confidently say the everyone participating in that thread knew exactly what i meant with that post.