New interesting rumor on Alex Smith | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

New interesting rumor on Alex Smith


Jul 9, 2004
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Morgantown, WV
I live bout 15 minutes from Fairmont, WV which is where Nick Saban is actually from. I just heard from a friend who knows some of Saban's family that the reason Alex Smith is making his contract seem impossible for the 49er's to reach is because he wants to go #2 to play for the dolphins and head coach Nick Saban.
If that is what Alex Smith is doing... Him and his agent are extremely stupid.
It won't work...all the 49ers have to do is play hardball....his agent isn't going to kiss millions away...and hold the worst....the 49ers pick him and trade him for what they can get.
i know a couple peeps from bluefeild. I make it to a ton of WVU games. I saw in a previous post you are a fan. How bout them "EERS". I love em in football and basketball.
Yea. I love them in football and basketball also

Its a shame we had a 20 point lead to Louisville and blew it. But pittsnogle is the man....

I hope pacman jones and chris henry go somewhere good!
unliklely, but who doesnt want to be a phin these days...
Man I can't wait for the draft to be over so we can start talking about who we got instead of who might be with us.
kingnate85 said:
Man I can't wait for the draft to be over so we can start talking about who we got instead of who might be with us.
Amen to that...
It's all on York to get a deal done

if the Phins draft Smith he will still command and get the same money
WvFinFan said:
I live bout 15 minutes from Fairmont, WV which is where Nick Saban is actually from. I just heard from a friend who knows some of Saban's family that the reason Alex Smith is making his contract seem impossible for the 49er's to reach is because he wants to go #2 to play for the dolphins and head coach Nick Saban.
I actually said this same thing last weekend :wink: . I said that I thought that smith was requesting high dollar because he doesnt want to play for the 49ers.
Lazy1 said:
If that is what Alex Smith is doing... Him and his agent are extremely stupid.
Why, if he and his agent feel he fits better in the Miami system than it may actually be a good investment for his future.
Miami is a class organization with strong ownership and a great buzz. They play in a nice stadium and own the town.

San Francisco's owner is notoriously cheap. They play in a dump of a stadium. And have strong competition from baseball's Giants and the Raiders across The Bay.

Plus, Linehan wants Smith badly. Runs a familiar offense and recruited the guy out of high school. And Miami's coaching staff could be second to none.
Cedric_Benson said:
Yea. I love them in football and basketball also

Its a shame we had a 20 point lead to Louisville and blew it. But pittsnogle is the man....

I hope pacman jones and chris henry go somewhere good!

Woot...Im from Bridgeport ...... went to WVU.

I wish we could take Henry at some point. If he keeps his head together this kid is gonna be awsome.

Anyone see much of the Neers spring practice?
Lazy1 said:
If that is what Alex Smith is doing... Him and his agent are extremely stupid.

I don't understand what you are saying? Last year Manninig didn't want to play for SD and made it well known. He was unliked by some fans for this action. Maybe Alex and his agent have decided to do it a little less obvious. I mean think about it. If you were the top in the country at what you do would you not want to have some say in where you were gonna live your life?? In the long run if he thought he fit the system better and had a better chance to suceed he may make more money in Miami than in SF. Maybe I am looking through aqua colored glasses but I could see it happening.

And what if he is afraid of earthquakes :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: that could be the reason right there
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