New Marlins Logo. Thoughts? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

New Marlins Logo. Thoughts?


King of the Moondoggers
Club Member
Apr 28, 2008
Reaction score
Hong Kong Harry's
Hands down, really interesting. I like it.

Liked the old one 100000x better. That **** is hideous.
I like how Cedar goes from being OK with it to hating it in a matter of minutes :lol:
It looks like TD ****ed Billy the Marlin and they had a child. You don't have to like it, but you can still be accepting of it.
It does fit Miami though. Really stuck in the 1980s. This logo looks like a stock baseball team you'd see on an episode of "Miami Vice".
It looks like the Dolphin Stadium logo is humping an M.

I actually really do like it I think the aqua jersey they used in the 90's was there best jersey but that logo is pretty sweet.
This thing is u-g-l-y and it don't need no alibi.

Wow, what a letdown after waiting for so long. Hopefully they can scramble and come up with something better before November 11.

Don't they research test these things?! Sheesh.
Wow its horrible..reminds me of the sharks football team from Any given sunday.
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