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New To The Site


Practice Squad
May 5, 2003
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Just wanted to introduce myself to all my fellow Dolfans. I'm on here EVERY DAY!!, But never really wrote in on anything( a few times, maybe). This is the best Fins site ever!! Always new info to check up on and i enjoy reading everyones opinions. I'm from NYC, and ALL my friends are Jets fans, so u can imagine the crap i have to put up with every year. ( Not last year tho!!;) ) The good part about my friends being Jets fans is that we make the Miami game down in Fla. every year. We've done it now for the last 4 years, and will continue to do so !! Thanks for your time

You wouldn't be that guy from the football commercial where its in a bar in NYC and all the jets fans are getting bummed out because of the dolphins scoring on them andthats when the one guy in a dolphind jersey jumps up and screams "YES!!!" and all the guys stare him down back into his chair? Are you? You have a Z. Thomas jersey don't you. Well wether or not, welcome!
:welcome: edsta74. Hopefully you can keep those Jets fans off your back for another year...
Originally posted by Disnardo
:welcome: edsta74. Hopefully you can keep those Jets fans of your back for another year...

Dont think that will be a problem anymore. And last year was GREAT. After so many years of being swept by the Jets, I was starting to wonder if they would ever beat them again!. Then along came Ricky, and its been all good ever since!:D
welcome to the board as you can tell from my name im also from NY on long island welcome and have fun:jetssuck: :welcome:
Originally posted by cubanbadguy
You wouldn't be that guy from the football commercial where its in a bar in NYC and all the jets fans are getting bummed out because of the dolphins scoring on them andthats when the one guy in a dolphind jersey jumps up and screams "YES!!!" and all the guys stare him down back into his chair? Are you? You have a Z. Thomas jersey don't you. Well wether or not, welcome!

I am absolutely that guy!!:lol: Every time the game is on thats me. Only diff is that I jump up and scream and dont care how many Jets fans are in the place. I'm proud to be a fins fan and Wear my colors to every game! Even at the meadowlands! I was at the monday night miracle and got ripped the whole way to the parking lot!
I was at that game also with another finfan I was in full battle colors hat jacket jersey pants socks shoes and others when the game was over I got pelted with hot dogs and beer jests fans are all imature losers:cointoss:
Originally posted by LIDOLFAN
I was at that game also with another finfan I was in full battle colors hat jacket jersey pants socks shoes and others when the game was over I got pelted with hot dogs and beer jests fans are all imature losers:cointoss:

unfortunately, ur right. It makes u not want to go to the game. Thats why i enjoy going south to catch the game. Last year, there were plenty of fights in miami too, but i'm not outnumbered there;)
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