* Play more golf. Restore that outside path and dependable draw
* Don't use the word adjuster so often. Going to be tough, given my opinion of that practice. At least I have dropped Happy most of the time.
* Update and tinker with my Excel spreadsheets. A little bit, not widespread. I have a few new ideas, some formulas to apply and backfit. The 2015 results weren't as positive as last season, although I expected there would be a decline.
* I'll try to limit my opinion of the college crop of quarterbacks under the growing recognition that I have more trouble with that position now, given the sideways college offenses that are so prevalent. I still fare well with defensive tackles and elsewhere
* Don't require $25,000 in dental surgery. That will be my primary reference point of 2015. One major procedure per month and no fun. I think I led the nation in ice packs per attempt.