News: Former LB Towle in the News for Wrong Reasons | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

News: Former LB Towle in the News for Wrong Reasons

I can't believe he doesn't even have to do any time!
If he left one of my family members like that and got no time. Ide kill him myself.
I just read that...pretty sick. He caused debilitating brain injuries and isn't even going to jail? That's is unbelievable! To top it all off, he only owes $125,000 in restitution??? That probably doesn't even cover the costs of one brain surgery, let alone multiple operations.

The way athletes and celebrities are treated in the justice system is disgusting.
fins1 said:
If he left one of my family members like that and got no time. Ide kill him myself.

As would I. This is BS.
A little off topic but,any other old timers here,remember those
old Skoal commercials, Towle and Earl Cambell used to do?
hmmmm, let's see, you can make an inappropriate comment to a female employee and have a judgement rendered against you for millions. Or, you can leave someone brain deasd from a fit of rage and only have to pay 125K. MAKES SENSE !
dw10 said:
hmmmm, let's see, you can make an inappropriate comment to a female employee and have a judgement rendered against you for millions. Or, you can leave someone brain deasd from a fit of rage and only have to pay 125K. MAKES SENSE !
hit a little close to home?

Keep comments like this to yourself from now on, please. We've had enough.
This is rule 12 in the TOS...

#12 Annoyance:
Individuals who detract from the site through ongoing incivility, immaturity, and/or disrespect for the contributions and responsibilities of others may be afforded maximal opportunities to spend their time elsewhere. --mod
Not condoning what happened, but what I don't understand is why a little "shrimp" of a guy would be standing up and confronting someone of Towles stature (size)? If I were cut off and saw Steve behind the wheel, I'd move on...
It would've been nice to see the whole story of what happened. You just never know how it went down. Dude could've been a mutual fist fight (doesn't matter who swung first) with Towle, who, say, knocked him out & then dude falls & smacks the back of his head on the pavement. Simple scenerio that could cause alot of damage but was an act not meant in malice hence no jail time.
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