NFL admits blown calls...against the Steelers.... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

NFL admits blown calls...against the Steelers....


Apr 26, 2007
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The NFL has informed the Pittsburgh Steelers that a pair of penalties that nearly cost them a win over the Cincinnati Bengals on Monday should not have been called in the first place, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

Anyone else feel like this is a (lets go with) spit in the face?

We have conclusive evidence over 2 games concerning ref's fouls, then they back up the ref's. But the team with 6 superbowl rings...well, gotta keep them happy.
Godell and the NFL is a mess. They are looking intensly into Favre and sterger but they are not looking into the conduct of players spitting in the face of other players and they are not interested in late hits. They are however interested backing up the refs when they get the calls wrong and showing preferrental preferences. We let convicted felons back into the NFL but we make an example out of pot smoking head cases who run off to australia to live in a tent because that gives a poor image to the leauge. Seriously there is no continuity or consistenity in who gets suspended or fined and what it is for and even what the penality for the infraction is. They are all over the place from one week to the next and from one player to the next. Its just as chaotic and confusing as it is to read this post.
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