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NFL is a joke

If everything is so easy for QBs why does it take our QB 3 games or 4 game stretch to throw
the same 6 TDs ?
welcome to the biggest ****ing douchebag to be involved with the nfl version of ''football'' today, that of course being roger mother ****er goodell.

a league in which u can no longer look, cough, sneeze, or touch the qb without being flagged for it.

a league in which defensive backs are not allowed to touch a wr or look at a wr the wrong way.

a league in which no fan can actually fully enjoy a big play on defense without having to hold there breathes for 5-10 seconds making sure there is no flag , bc god forbid there was a slight amount of contact, must throw the flag.

thats goodells version of fantasy football being played in the regular nfl these days.

that is why when people bring up these stats of any qbs, including ours, i dont get as excited as i used to, because every single qbs numbers r being inflated by these ****ing rules, as well as wrs numbers.

all there is to know, is that marinos record of throwing for 48 tds in a season, and the 5000 yds in a season all were ''coincidentally'' broken the moment these rules were put in to place. heck, i think like 4-5 qbs have thrown for 5000 yds since the new rules have been put in place, as to where only marino had been the only one to do it for like 27 years i believe.

i love this rant!!! well said - especially the part about having to hold your breathe for 5-10 after a great defensive play.
Goodell has stacked the deck in favor of the Offense because they can get better TV ratings from spectacular offensive plays and the higher focus on player safety reduces the risk of big payouts from injury and litigation.
i wish this wasn't the case - eg, the TV ratings. I love a 24-21 game but when it's 52-28 no way I'm watching the whole game unless it's Miami playing.
If everything is so easy for QBs why does it take our QB 3 games or 4 game stretch to throw
the same 6 TDs ?

Oh lord, been waiting for this...

Maybe if he wasn't pulled in the 3rd quarter vs the Chargers and Raiders he might have. And the Dolphins have been facing mostly solid to good defenses this year...
i love this rant!!! well said - especially the part about having to hold your breathe for 5-10 after a great defensive play.

this is the part that pisses me off the most.

its like u can not enjoy any play anymore on defense, especially big hits because we all know those will be flagged immediatley as well.

goodell should be forced to resign, he is ruining the league.

and to the people who say '' well goodell is making the nfl a ton of money'', the nfl was always a cash king, it has nothing to do with goodell. heck, anyone on finheaven can take over as commish and the nfl would still be thriving.

it has nothing to do with goodell. what goodell has done has tried everything in his power to make the nfl a worse version of what it was before he took over, and while the ratings r fine for now, if these rules do not change, the ratings will plummet in the future.

forget the hits to the head, there r lawsuits being made vs the nfl on that issue constantly, so if they want to protect themselves from that, wtrvr. however, there is no need for these ticky tack holding calls, these illegal contact penalties, just let them ****ing play.
Jesus-Christ-on-a-pogo-stick ... we'll bitch about anything. :bobdole:

What does that have to do with the beating we're about to administer to those filthy, rotten, slimy, green bastards tomorrow night?

Who ****ing cares?!? Focus on what's important. :)
Meh. Offenses have always had the upper hand since the beginning of the game. Defenses have always had to play catch up. The rules were recently changed in favor of the offenses and it will take a few years for defenses to follow. Nothing new here really.

QB's that have thrown for the NFL record 7 TD's & the year they accomplished the feat.
Sid Luckman, 1943
Adrian Burk, 1954
George Blanda, 1961
Y.A. Tittle, 1962
Joe Kapp, 1969
Peyton Manning, 2013
Nick Foles, 2013
Bob Griese threw 6 on thanksgiving day 1977.
and instead of going for 7 he chose to run it in on the last one thinking it would be selfish and classless to so blatantly go for the record. Today, teams game plan to get the records if the situation presents itself. I can't help but think that's all influenced by the NFL itself rather than the coaches etx.

---------- Post added at 07:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:20 PM ----------

Meh. Offenses have always had the upper hand since the beginning of the game. Defenses have always had to play catch up. The rules were recently changed in favor of the offenses and it will take a few years for defenses to follow. Nothing new here really.

QB's that have thrown for the NFL record 7 TD's & the year they accomplished the feat.
Sid Luckman, 1943
Adrian Burk, 1954
George Blanda, 1961
Y.A. Tittle, 1962
Joe Kapp, 1969
Peyton Manning, 2013
Nick Foles, 2013
i hear you but the number of 5,6 TD games by QBs must be off the charts by comparison, no?
Not like when Marino did it. These rules are the reason why.
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