Nick Hardwick blasts Richard Seymour | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Nick Hardwick blasts Richard Seymour

Miami 13

Pro Bowler
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
“There are 10 (bleeping) good players on that team,†Hardwick said. “But Richard Seymour is a dirty, cheap, little pompous (expletive).â€
Hardwick was only getting started.
“He’s cheap and dirty and the head man just let him get away with it the whole time,†Hardwick said. “They’ve got 10 great players on that team and when Jarvis Green comes on the field, they’ve got 11 great players who compete how you’re supposed to play. But Richard Seymour is the biggest (expletive) I’ve ever played.â€
Rest of article...
Seymour too, huh? He can't be any worse than Rodney Harrison or Mike Vrabel. There are a lot of punks on the Patriots and it's about time some of them get exposed. It's kind of nice seeing the Pats getting so much negativity after being portrayed as angels for so long.
I always thought he was one of the clean ones. Just goes to show you that there is no reason to like the Patriots :)

On a serious note, if the Patriots win the SuperBowl I no longer believe in Karma. A team that cheats, and is probably dirtier than anyone else in the NFL should not get the kind of luck they get. Harrison is the perfect example of someone who should have had a career ending injury a long time ago with the amount he attempts to injure other people with cheap shots and late hits.
The only thing that pissed me off yesterday was this. Other than that, we got beat, nothing more to it. BUT how does one get away with this?
Nobody else would have gotten away with it.
Seymour stands ground

Patriot tackles comments by Hardwick

FOXBOROUGH - Richard Seymour would prefer to do his talking on the field, but he feels Chargers center Nick Hardwick left him little choice.
One day after Hardwick called Seymour a "dirty, cheap little pompous [expletive]," in the wake of the Patriots' 21-12 victory in the AFC Championship game, the seventh-year Patriots defensive lineman responded.

"I thought it was classless, but I also understand he was hurt and frustrated," Seymour said. "He's a grown man, and grown men usually try to own up to what happened and not rub it in, taking a loss like a man.
"We were into it the whole game. I just wasn't taking any stuff. All of it came between the whistles. Me, I'm not going to go to the media and talk bad about someone. I take pride in not crying to the media about what goes on in the line of play. If I want to say something about that, I'm going to handle it on the field.
"There's no battle of words, but you can't attack my character."
Seymour was made aware of Hardwick's comments from a friend; Hardwick accused Seymour of dirty play, including "head-slapping" and "foot-stomping." Seymour believes the videotape of the game would prove Hardwick wrong.
"There is nothing to hide," the five-time Pro Bowler said. "Whatever I did, it was between the whistles. Of course there is some pushing and shoving; it's a physical game. That's the way I play the game. There was nothing after the whistle, but it's a violent game and I play the game violently."
In turn, Seymour felt that some Chargers linemen were pushing the envelope.
"My thing is that if you're going to speak, please speak the truth," he said. "The film, if you look at the copy of the game that teams get, you can see what they were doing to me - pushing me over the pile, and all that stuff in the trenches. You can see it yourself. So for me, the proof is in the pudding. You judge a tree by its fruit."
A fourth-year center out of Purdue, Hardwick lashed into Seymour following the game, telling a small group of reporters, "Richard Seymour is the biggest [expletive] I've ever come across in football. They've got 10 good football players on that team.
"He's cheap and dirty, and the [officials] just let him get away with it the whole time. They've got 10 great players, and when Jarvis Green is on the field they have 11 great players that compete how you're supposed to compete. But that Richard Seymour is the biggest [expletive] I've ever played.
"Head-slapping, foot-stomping in the pile, running by and throwing punches in your back late."
A Pro Bowl selection in 2006, Hardwick was still steamed after making his comments to reporters in the locker room. When another reporter approached him afterward, he repeated them.
Asked yesterday about Hardwick's comments, Patriots coach Bill Belichick responded: "I was surprised. That's the last thing I would say about Richard."
At right defensive end, Seymour most often was locked up with San Diego left tackle Marcus McNeill and left guard Kris Dielman, but at times was engaged with Hardwick as plays developed.
Before the game, Seymour and McNeill exchanged words around midfield. Seymour said yesterday he wasn't sure what started the exchange. While a Patriots teammate thought it might have been carryover from an incident during last year's playoff game between the teams, Seymour said he was unaware of anything in regards to McNeill, a second-year player out of Auburn.
"He was staring me down at the beginning of the game, then I think he got into it with Rodney [Harrison]," Seymour said. "I don't know what the issue was. Maybe they thought they could come in and intimidate us. There is nothing wrong with intimidation. I'd say it was the right plan, but they got the wrong man."
The hard feelings between the clubs certainly will be revisited next season, as the Patriots are scheduled to visit San Diego.
As for Hardwick's comments Sunday, Seymour ultimately brushed them off with humor.
"I guess what I would say is that I don't expect any Christmas cards from him," he joked.
he just said he doesn't run his mouth and say things to the media, and then immediately says some of the things they were doing to him. God, I hate that team.
he just said he doesn't run his mouth and say things to the media, and then immediately says some of the things they were doing to him. God, I hate that team.

Did you happen to see any of the Hardwick interview?
no, I missed it.

I don't want to downplay that his interview was done in the locker room
following the game (directly after the heat of the moment) and perhaps today he'd have said what he had to say with a bit more class. Every other word out of the mans mouth was censored by a beep but you could read his lips and the "F" word was his favorite word of the day. I don't take issue with a player unhappy about the play on the field but he didn't talk about the play he just went on and on swearing and calling Seymour names. Regardless of what his problem was if that was the best way he could find to communicate it to the public he should have just kept his mouth shut. It was a physical game on both sides of the ball with most players taking a beating all day long. I'm sure Hardwick wasn't the only lineman that got beat up but the rest of them (both teams) were smart enough to keep their mouths shut. After reading comments from both sides it appears to me anyway that both teams pushed the envelope and played tough and physical in the trences.
Thats the NFL sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.
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