No reason to watch the Pro Bowl this year | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

No reason to watch the Pro Bowl this year


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
Reaction score
Guess he knew

When defensive tackle Daryl Gardener said Wednesday he was having a Pro Bowl season, he was right.

Gardener, who is out for the year after having back surgery, is third among AFC defensive tackles in Pro Bowl voting.

The Dolphins don’t have any other players in the top 10 at their position in fan voting. The Pro Bowl teams will be announced the last week of December.

Wannstedt recognized the season defensive end Jason Taylor is having (63 tackles, tied for second on team and team-best 6.5 sacks) and recalled the last Indianapolis game, when Taylor broke a finger and re-entered the game.

“I think he’s playing good every week,†Wannstedt said. “He gets hurt up there, busts his finger, and they pull it back in socket, tape it up, and he goes back and plays the second half.

“To me, when you start talking about a Pro Bowl player, that’s all part of it. You don’t hear Jason Taylor talking in the newspapers about going to the Pro Bowl or having a Pro Bowl year. He backs it up on Sunday and he shows up every week and plays, and he is as much of a playmaker as any defensive lineman I’ve coached. He really is. He’s capable of winning games, and he’s done it, in a lot of different ways.â€Â

I'll probably still watch it...I think it will be a good Pro Bowl :D
I love the pro bowl.............

I watch it every year with great interest. Just to be able to see the best players in the AFC(the best conference) and NFC play against one another is very intriguing for me.
I watched last year to see JT and Trace and all, but if there are no Fins on the team, it will be less than interesting to me.
Of course there will be some Fins on the team. Thomas will go, Surtain might, Madison goes every year but he won't this one because of the injury, Mare might go, Turk might go, you get the idea. And if no Fins make it, I will still watch.
Lets face it, Our Pro Bowl will be the Super Bowl,so lets hope we make it. Not only to prove everybody wrong but to see our team in Febuary!;) :D
Is there ever a reason to watch the Pro Bowl? IMO, it's just a bunch of great players getting together to play bad football.:D
its a good a reason as any...............

to sit down on the couch and stuff your face. and for the majority, to drink beer. the worst part is knowing its the last pro game until next season! :D
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