NO says the "G" word | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

NO says the "G" word


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Saints | George Talking with Haslett; May Visit Team - posted at KFFL (
7:32 PT: The Times-Picayune reports the New Orleans Saints are considering bringing in free agent QB Jeff George, who was out of football after being released by the Redskins last year, in for a physical and workout. Head coach Jim Haslett said George called him and the two will talk again

that is desparation
Originally posted by iceblizzard69
That is sad............very sad.
whta does that say about Aaron Brooks?
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Re: its too bad george is a whiner!

Originally posted by dolfan06
i think he has the arm and he rally could have amounted to something!:rolleyes:

A ton of NFL big shots thought the same thing over, and over, and over again, and that kind of thinking wound up costing a whole ganglion of men their jobs...Incredible!
I cannot think off the top of my head of a bigger waste of talent than Jeff George - particularly since he has all the physical tools to be a great QB
When you're a head case like Ryan Leaf or Jeff George their great skills will never amount to anything in the NFL. It's been proven over and over that head cases don't make the cut.
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