This award is for the person you feel contributed the best analysis or in-depth informative posts in the draft forum. Who do you think was the draft guru of 2019?
The nomination process is simple. Type in the name of the person/persons you are nominating. Each member may nominate up to three posters. Please keep the comments to a minimum as this will help streamline the process. The top three in votes will receive a nomination to advance to the final round. Posters will then vote to pick a winner in that final round.
All nominations must be in by January 25th
The nomination process is simple. Type in the name of the person/persons you are nominating. Each member may nominate up to three posters. Please keep the comments to a minimum as this will help streamline the process. The top three in votes will receive a nomination to advance to the final round. Posters will then vote to pick a winner in that final round.
All nominations must be in by January 25th