Nomination: Thread Of The Year | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Nomination: Thread Of The Year

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Let's go Dolphins
Super Donator
Club Member
Feb 29, 2008
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This award is for what you feel was the thread of the year. Please limit nominations to threads that were actually started in 2017

The nomination process is as follows. All you have to do is type in the thread title and if you want to add the OP that's fine . Each member can nominate up to three threads. If you nominate four or five , we will only take the first three on your list. Please keep the conversation to a minimum as that will make this process more difficult. The top five vote receivers will receive the nominations.

All nominations must be in by Feburary 9th at 9 am
and my third nomination is

Ajayi has been traded to Eagles for a 4th round pick
Me as well and add the hotties thread from the Ladies Lounge as my third.
i still feel like we are overlooking something great.... but still cant remember what it was
Great community thread UK. I think Phins started that one.
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