Notes from Kiper's Draft Chat | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Notes from Kiper's Draft Chat


Pro Bowler
Club Member
Nov 29, 2004
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Boise, ID
Michael (Miami): Should the Dolphins go after a WR at #9 and someone like Stanton in Rd 2?

Mel Kiper: (1:41 PM ET ) Miami definitely could and that guy could be Ted Ginn, if he shows he's 100% at that workout. If he runs in that 4.3 range, he'll be in the top 10-15, no question about it. Ginn would also be in the mix for San Francisco and Carolina. Stanton is a 2nd or 3rd rounder right now. Nobody is thinking 1st round for him, although that was a possibility entering last season. The problems they had at MSU, and his up-and-down season contributed to that. I think he'll probably end up in the 2nd round. He's a tough, aggressive kid with tremendous character. He has a decent arm, can move around enough. He's more than just serviceable and I think he'll go in round 2.
Thanks TX, a lot of people will be happy with that scenario.
How would you like Ginn at 9, OL with the first 2nd rounder, and Stanton with the 2nd 2nd rounder?
How would you like Ginn at 9, OL with the first 2nd rounder, and Stanton with the 2nd 2nd rounder?

I think Stanton may be gone before we pick our 2a.

If Detroit, Oakland or Minn pass on Quinn in the first, then Stanton is a likely pick in the second.
we could go ginn first round OL second (1) OL (2)

if landry is past buy the falcons we should get him they need DL more than they need DB
we could go ginn first round OL second (1) OL (2)

if landry is past buy the falcons we should get him they need DL more than they need DB

landry, willis, and adams are no brainers but dont be surprised with staley guys. we might trade back a few slots if possible to pick him up. he is fast adn if our team is actually looking for quficker lineman he fits the bill like non other.
I think Stanton may be gone before we pick our 2a.

If Detroit, Oakland or Minn pass on Quinn in the first, then Stanton is a likely pick in the second.

I don't know, Trent Edwards has been getting ALOT of hype lately. He may leapfrog Stanton.
I'd be very happy if we get Ginn and Stanton.....if we could add a guy like Blaylock too then our offence is gonna be looking good.....after that we could take a corner, DE and a TE.....maybe a NT on day 2.

Ozzy rules!!
I think Stanton may be gone before we pick our 2a.

If Detroit, Oakland or Minn pass on Quinn in the first, then Stanton is a likely pick in the second.

Then we go Kevin Kolb. I believe that pick #2b is the spot Miami targets a QB.

I'd be happy with Ted Ginn, Best OL available, then Stanton or Kolb. I'd be all :D after Day 1.
How would you like Ginn at 9, OL with the first 2nd rounder, and Stanton with the 2nd 2nd rounder?

From what little I've seen of Edwards (clips from his workout) and Kolb, they're arms are clearly better than Stanton. I hope that the Lions draft the homeboy Stanton with that early second round pick, allowing for more players to slide down to us.
From what little I've seen of Edwards (clips from his workout) and Kolb, they're arms are clearly better than Stanton. I hope that the Lions draft the homeboy Stanton with that early second round pick, allowing for more players to slide down to us.

Really? Edwards probably but I'd say Stanton has edge on Kolb in regards to his arm, now consistency and mental aspects I'd probably lean towards Kolb.
Then we go Kevin Kolb. I believe that pick #2b is the spot Miami targets a QB.

I'd be happy with Ted Ginn, Best OL available, then Stanton or Kolb. I'd be all :D after Day 1.

This is exactly what I am thinking.
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