Now on Broadway: Dayne as Ricky Williams | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Now on Broadway: Dayne as Ricky Williams

Originally posted by nygovafins
dayne was great in college....he broke ricky's record...i will never forget watching dayne bust long runs for wisconsin, he was fast and a bull, i was so excited but he has been a bust....
i think dayne just needs a change of pace, he is alot like ricky in ways, dayne gets strong as the game goes on and with us having tiki dayne isnt going to get 25+carries...
i remember a few years ago dayne had like 28 carries for 126 yards, he went crazy at the end...
i could say dayne a patriot soon if their running game reamins non existent

I agree that Dayne was great in college. Infact, I can't believe that BigFinFan said something so ridiculous. Dayne deserves respect for a great college career.

However, as far as Dayne vs Ricky, there is little comparison. Send Dayne anywhere, in any situation, he will never do what Ricky is doing/ did last year. Why?? Because he doesn't have the talent that Ricky does, plain and simple.
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