**** the Pats!
What a way to go out!!!
Next year, is next year.
Bitch about draft pick all you want ... **** the Pats!
* For those who skip the FH offseason, DON'T!!!
There's plenty of fun still to be had ... February brings the FH Awards, and late March/early April brings the no-holds-barred FINHEAVEN MARCH MADNESS Tournament.
Make sure you show up to take part in the fun, AND MAKE YOUR VOTES COUNT!
What a way to go out!!!
Next year, is next year.
Bitch about draft pick all you want ... **** the Pats!
* For those who skip the FH offseason, DON'T!!!
There's plenty of fun still to be had ... February brings the FH Awards, and late March/early April brings the no-holds-barred FINHEAVEN MARCH MADNESS Tournament.
Make sure you show up to take part in the fun, AND MAKE YOUR VOTES COUNT!