"Occupy Sun Life Stadium" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Occupy Sun Life Stadium"

zach attach

Active Roster
Oct 19, 2004
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After the season, if Ross wavers, we need to get this movement off the ground! We all show up to the stadium and stay there until a coach is hired.
Let me clarify. A coach by the fans, for the fans! We give our list of demands to the ownership.

1)We want a coach who abhors conservative play calling, and has a clue.
2)Ireland stays only in a consulting position, he has no final say.
3)A signed contract with us, the fans, that a 1st round qb is taken this year, trade picks, whatever...Or Marshall, trade Marshall.
4)Cut Marc Columbo
5)The fans get to veto any OC we don't like.
6)Bring in Dan or Don in some capacity to bring our vast array of fans together. The youth needs to know who they are, to see them, and get
a better feel for heritage. That's if they want to be a part of this thing. But at least offer. It brings Class back.

Of course, like the other Occupiers, you have the right to not shower, urinate, and conceive children in the parking lot.

Ross, we'll do it, we're just crazy enough!

Anyone else have demands to add??
Bring back the fight song. The fight song and nothing else should be played after every touchdown scored by the fins at sun life.
Put together a legit FO
Find a coach that can establish mental toughness and can tutor a QB
Bring back 1972 uniforms

Show the fans the vision the team has. Ticket sales increase with winning not who is roaming the sideline or the development of young QB.
You need to occupy his office in New York not his Sunday afternoon picnic location.
Yes they are capable, they're just smart with spending their money, no one spends money on a bad product.

So far in 2011 the top teams in home attendance you would figure would be top tier teams.... so what is

Indy doing at number 2
Philly at 3
Tennessee at 8
Seattle at 12
Carolina at 14

Lets be real here..... Dolphins fans arent any smarter than the rest of the leagues fans. We just happen to only show up when its convenient.

For years I would hear things like.... "The U is really Miami's sports team... we sell out every game whether we are winning or losing."
Then all of the sudden (and im not talking about starting this year) those fanatics stopped showing up.

Not winning certainly doesn't help putting fans in the seats. This whole idea that if the fans stop showing up the Billionaire owner will all of the sudden realize we need changes is false. NFL money is all TV money. Attendance just helps with a small boost. But if winning is the determinant of whether or not you go to support your beloved teams... when they do start winning, you belong on your couch.
If you spend a billion dollars (or thereabout) in a team and stadium you can occupy as well. Otherwise you are soliciting on private property.

The fans are already speaking by not buying season tickets anymore (or cancelling existing season tickets) and not buying game day tickets anymore. It hits a private business where it hurts the most: less revenue.

This can have one of two reactions from the ownership: improve the product or move to LA to join his friend Phillip Anschuetz.
Those other teams other than Carolina (sort of since they did have a Super Bowl and playoff appearances), has been relevant the past decade. Of course fans show up to support them still, not like their management/front office has failed them like ours had for 13-15 freaking years.

Would you take your family to the theaters to watch a movie with bad ratings, produced by a director that has always had average to bad ratings?
This would be just as successful at the other occupy movement. Which is, needless to say, not successful at all
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