Offensive Playmaker In The 1st Is An ABSOLUTE NECESSITY!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Offensive Playmaker In The 1st Is An ABSOLUTE NECESSITY!!


Seasoned Veteran
Dec 28, 2003
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There really shouldn't be any debate over defense vs. offense with the 1st round pick. Our offense is SO STARVED for talent while our defense just punched in one of the best performances in recent years. Yes our defense may be on the older side and will eventually start to decline; but until they do we don't need to invest any large amounts on that side of the ball. Obviously we would like to stem the problem of a defensive decline before it happens with the infusion of a defensive playmaker, but the state of our offense simply doesn't allow us that luxury.

Furthermore, we need to draft the offensive talent now and let them develop so they can cover for a defensive decline if it takes place in a year or two. It's my opinion that it takes offensive players longer to make a significant impact than it does defensive. So we invest in our offense this year and start seeing the rewards in roughly 2 years time (or best case scenario, sooner). In the meantime our defense continues to play well, not at the high level of this year, but well enough to stay competitive. Then next year we go defense and hopefully see our draft picks contribute in the way Crowder and Daniels did their first year. At that point our offensive draft picks would have a season under their belt and would hopefully be that much more productive.

The only debate we should be having is what offensive player is worthy enough of the 9th pick. I've heard mixed reviews on Dwayne Jarret, but he's a name that I've heard thrown out there. Here's what I suggest:

Round 1- If by some act of god Joe Thomas falls to us we obivously take him. Since that's unlikely to happen, I'd like us to go WR. If Jarrett seems to be as good as advertised I really think he can provide a great spark to the offense and raise everyone's level around him; especially Chambers. There's no way an offense with a healthy Culpepper, Ronnie, Chambers and Jarret (or another worthy, big play WR) could not be explosive, could it?

Round 2- Once again not a big draftnik, but if we could pick up a O lineman here who had a first round grade, I think we would be in business. Best case scenario would be someone like a Marcus McNeil last year.

Round 3- I don't think it would be worth it to overload on the OL or WR so our best bet would be BPA (offense or defense). This could possibly be a spot to get a QB to build for the future.

With this strategy I think we really put some key pieces together for our offense. Our defense should hold up for another year or 2 and hopefully by then we have an offense that can win games for us.
Aaron Sears. This is the guy to look for in the 2nd. Hes got everything you could want in a tackle. Im assuming Joe Stanley will be gone, but if he's not, oh man would he be a great pick. Anyway, to give some insight on the tackles of this draft, look here:
The top 7 Tackles could all become very special IMO.

Doug Free in the 3rd would be an awesome pick too. As long as we got one of them, i'd be happy,
There really shouldn't be any debate over defense vs. offense with the 1st round pick. Our offense is SO STARVED for talent while our defense just punched in one of the best performances in recent years. Yes our defense may be on the older side and will eventually start to decline; but until they do we don't need to invest any large amounts on that side of the ball. Obviously we would like to stem the problem of a defensive decline before it happens with the infusion of a defensive playmaker, but the state of our offense simply doesn't allow us that luxury.

Furthermore, we need to draft the offensive talent now and let them develop so they can cover for a defensive decline if it takes place in a year or two. It's my opinion that it takes offensive players longer to make a significant impact than it does defensive. So we invest in our offense this year and start seeing the rewards in roughly 2 years time (or best case scenario, sooner). In the meantime our defense continues to play well, not at the high level of this year, but well enough to stay competitive. Then next year we go defense and hopefully see our draft picks contribute in the way Crowder and Daniels did their first year. At that point our offensive draft picks would have a season under their belt and would hopefully be that much more productive.

The only debate we should be having is what offensive player is worthy enough of the 9th pick. I've heard mixed reviews on Dwayne Jarret, but he's a name that I've heard thrown out there. Here's what I suggest:

Round 1- If by some act of god Joe Thomas falls to us we obivously take him. Since that's unlikely to happen, I'd like us to go WR. If Jarrett seems to be as good as advertised I really think he can provide a great spark to the offense and raise everyone's level around him; especially Chambers. There's no way an offense with a healthy Culpepper, Ronnie, Chambers and Jarret (or another worthy, big play WR) could not be explosive, could it?

Round 2- Once again not a big draftnik, but if we could pick up a O lineman here who had a first round grade, I think we would be in business. Best case scenario would be someone like a Marcus McNeil last year.

Round 3- I don't think it would be worth it to overload on the OL or WR so our best bet would be BPA (offense or defense). This could possibly be a spot to get a QB to build for the future.

With this strategy I think we really put some key pieces together for our offense. Our defense should hold up for another year or 2 and hopefully by then we have an offense that can win games for us.

Yes brother, you obviously have watched the same games that many of us have! I've always said many times that it is so obvious...

We only have a few draft picks...Our Defense is actually ranked higher than Chicago's this year during the regular season, they are ranked 5th and we are ranked 4th and our Offense was ranked either 28th or 29th. Our choice seems obvious. The only thing I would suggest is you mentioned Marcus McNeil that LT for the Chargers that would could've drafted last year by the way, and I say, consider taking Levi Brown with the 9th overall pick, and perhaps that QB named Colt from Hawaii in the second round. In the third round perhaps we could take the best running back (Ricky's unreliable), receiver, Tight End, or Offensive Lineman available. On defense we can probably address Linebacker in Free Agency and might be able to get away with what we have in the secondary perhaps moving Jason allen to Nickle Cornerback? Who knows....
i believe that we have to draft the best player in the draft at the 9th pick. the bears didnt need a dt when they drafted tommy harris, but they thought he was the best player so they drafted him. this is only one example, but with so many positions in need for help, i think we need to draft the best player available.
It seems once again we are stuck drafting in a poor spot relative to our needs. The QB's and Thomas should be long gone. I like Jarrett, but the Mike Williams comparisons scare me. Our greatest need on D is cornerback, and of course this years class is weak. I keep hearing about how great Leon Hall is, but Ted Ginn and Jarrett both tore him apart on a national stage. Just go BPA, we need all the help we can get.
i believe that we have to draft the best player in the draft at the 9th pick. the bears didnt need a dt when they drafted tommy harris, but they thought he was the best player so they drafted him. this is only one example, but with so many positions in need for help, i think we need to draft the best player available.

Dude, we have SO MANY NEEDS on offense that in my opinion, at number two things:

1. We should be able to get the best available player on Offense who will probably be no greater or less a risk than the best available defensive player available but who will add to the side of the ball that we need to strengthen the most.

2. We can't afford to take the best player available at any position regardless of needs because our defense is solid our offense is ******ed. We need Offensive players in several positions more then we need defensive ones and plenty of good ones should be available for us in the first three rounds where we are picking...
Yes brother, you obviously have watched the same games that many of us have! I've always said many times that it is so obvious...

We only have a few draft picks...Our Defense is actually ranked higher than Chicago's this year during the regular season, they are ranked 5th and we are ranked 4th and our Offense was ranked either 28th or 29th. Our choice seems obvious. The only thing I would suggest is you mentioned Marcus McNeil that LT for the Chargers that would could've drafted last year by the way, and I say, consider taking Levi Brown with the 9th overall pick, and perhaps that QB named Colt from Hawaii in the second round. In the third round perhaps we could take the best running back (Ricky's unreliable), receiver, Tight End, or Offensive Lineman available. On defense we can probably address Linebacker in Free Agency and might be able to get away with what we have in the secondary perhaps moving Jason allen to Nickle Cornerback? Who knows....

Why stop there? I mean, if we're already reaching 15 spots in round one and 30 spots in round 2, we might as well go right ahead and use our 3rd round pick on... Drew Tate!

And our 4th round pick on a true play maker, like a punter.

If Adrian Peterson falls to us @ #9, I say we grab him. Dwayne Jarret and Adrian Peterson are the only two possibilites we will have at a first round steal.

2nd round, we need a WR/OT here. Easily.

3rd get the best LB/CB here
BPA, period.

FA will change everything, I think some of you are forgetting how many FA's are on this team right now.

Best Offensive Player available, absolutely! In truth, the risks are the same, so how about we invest those precious few early round picks on the unit that needs the most improvement? How come that isn't like so obvious? Remember when Denver needed help in the secondary? They drafted 3 cornerbacks with their first three picks, now they are stocked and it isn't a weakness...
Best Offensive Player available, absolutely! In truth, the risks are the same, so how about we invest those precious few early round picks on the unit that needs the most improvement? How come that isn't like so obvious? Remember when Denver needed help in the secondary? They drafted 3 cornerbacks with their first three picks, now they are stocked and it isn't a weakness...

They traded for the best cornerback in the league, Champ Bailey.
They traded for the best cornerback in the league, Champ Bailey.

Yeah...and does he cover all potentially 4 receivers, and the tight end at the same time or do you think they might have needed some other corners and safties besides champ? So it sounds like they recognized the biggest weakness on their team and they sorted it out post haste by signing the best FA available and used their first three picks on the best available defensive backs. How about the QB position on our team or the O-line, or...? Might we not adapt a similar strategy to address our offensive weaknesses? No! Let's keep drafting Defensive linemen and such where we don't need them but the risks are the same but the upside is less due to the talent level of our defense... :shakeno:
no, we need ginn

I'd be dancing in the streets if we got him, or Levi Brown, or Justin Blaylock, or any number of guys that could potentially help us on the offensive side of the ball...
i believe that we have to draft the best player in the draft at the 9th pick. the bears didnt need a dt when they drafted tommy harris, but they thought he was the best player so they drafted him. this is only one example, but with so many positions in need for help, i think we need to draft the best player available.

Obviously we want the best player available at our pick. But the thing we have to weigh is Need verus Player Value. We have A LOT of need on the offensive side of the ball and not so much on the defensive side of the ball. In a year or 2 we might have a lot of need on the defensive side of the ball but as for RIGHT NOW, the need on the offensive side far outweighs that on the defensive side. That need is so much greater that the BPA strategy doesn't seem like a smart one. In my opinion the BPA strategy is only truly useful when the needs on both sides of the ball are equal or close to equal.

Some Simple Scenarios:

Offensive Needs > Defensive Needs= Offensive Pick
Offensive Needs < Defensive Needs= Defensive Pick
Offensive Needs = Defensive Needs= BPA
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