*Official 06-07 NHL Thread* | Page 83 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

*Official 06-07 NHL Thread*

You do realize the East is a joke compared to the West.

It's the same in the NBA, I love the Raptors but I know they would not be as good in the west as they are in the East.

Great job!!!!!!

Laugh all you want but you'd kill for our team to be in Toronto. Common 7-2 when fighting for your playpoff lives, way to show up. When the Avs came close to the flames 4 points back, the flames stepped up there game, why can't the leafs.

The east is a joke EH Buck, check your stat's,Scoring leaders,Goals,assists,+/-, you name it.All dominated by eastern teams.The ONLY thing the West has going for it is Goaltending and you know it...As for the Leafs who cut loose the likes of Roberts,Belfour,Nieuwendyk,Domi, oh a new coach,2-new golies, and are "STILL" only 1-point out of a playoff spot...not bad EH,I think I'll stick with my new Leafs!
no, its because Julien's system is not good for this team. we would not have gone very far in the playoffs with him as our coach, im telling you

apparently the players have had conflicts with him for awhile. elias was visually upset after practice on saturday

Lou sensed that there was something missing here. This team- even though they have won 4 of their last 5- has looked lethargic and flat-out dis-interested at times. The wins against Philly and Boston- ESPECIALLY the Philly game on Friday- were in spite of themselves. And that's the way it's been a lot this year- winning games, but not looking particularly good doing it. Marty has been the man this year, and he's the main reason we are where we are. Lou is looking to light a spark before the playoffs- these guys weren't repsonding to Julien anymore. There will be accountability now (AHEM- that means YOU Scott Gomez and Patrik Elias) that wasn't there before with Lou behind the bench. It's as ballsy a move as I've seen Lou make, including when he fored Ftorek in 2000 and replaced him with Robinson (which worked out quite well, may I add :D ). When he fired Ftrorek, there were 8 games left- we only have 3 now. But these guys know Lou and Lou knows them, and Lou led them to a division title after being 14 points behind the Rangers in January last year. I hope it works out. I have faith that it will.
Lou sensed that there was something missing here. This team- even though they have won 4 of their last 5- has looked lethargic and flat-out dis-interested at times. The wins against Philly and Boston- ESPECIALLY the Philly game on Friday- were in spite of themselves. And that's the way it's been a lot this year- winning games, but not looking particularly good doing it. Marty has been the man this year, and he's the main reason we are where we are. Lou is looking to light a spark before the playoffs- these guys weren't repsonding to Julien anymore. There will be accountability now (AHEM- that means YOU Scott Gomez and Patrik Elias) that wasn't there before with Lou behind the bench. It's as ballsy a move as I've seen Lou make, including when he fored Ftorek in 2000 and replaced him with Robinson (which worked out quite well, may I add :D ). When he fired Ftrorek, there were 8 games left- we only have 3 now. But these guys know Lou and Lou knows them, and Lou led them to a division title after being 14 points behind the Rangers in January last year. I hope it works out. I have faith that it will.
devils better hope they win the division...they dont match up well against the Sens
Claude Julian just always gets screwed out of his job! I mean both times you would think he should not of got fired.
The east is a joke EH Buck, check your stat's,Scoring leaders,Goals,assists,+/-, you name it.All dominated by eastern teams.The ONLY thing the West has going for it is Goaltending and you know it...As for the Leafs who cut loose the likes of Roberts,Belfour,Nieuwendyk,Domi, oh a new coach,2-new golies, and are "STILL" only 1-point out of a playoff spot...not bad EH,I think I'll stick with my new Leafs!
Congrats on reaching a level of homerism yet achieved by a Leafs fan. Only a TOTAL homer would believe that the East is stronger then the West. The only reason the Leafs are even sniffing the playoffs is because they play in the East. If they were in the West they would be 10 points out.
devils better hope they win the division...they dont match up well against the Sens
Well after getting their *** kicked in the beginning of the season 8-1, they beat them the last two times they played, so I don't know if that's necessary true.
Congrats on reaching a level of homerism yet achieved by a Leafs fan. Only a TOTAL homer would believe that the East is stronger then the West. The only reason the Leafs are even sniffing the playoffs is because they play in the East. If they were in the West they would be 10 points out.

Uni, you can't win with this guy he's exactly why the rest of us hate the leafs. There fans have the biggest homer glasses in the world. I don't think my Flames will make it to the cup, but they have an average chance the West is open.

The Leafs would have allrady been eliminated if they were in the west.

Even my dad who lives back in Ontario where I grew up by the way agrees with me and says his leafs have no chance this year. And my dad is a Leaf homer.

The only thing I like about the Leafs is Kaberle and Wellwood.

Stats are for losers wins and losses are what counts.
Uni, you can't win with this guy he's exactly why the rest of us hate the leafs. There fans have the biggest homer glasses in the world. I don't think my Flames will make it to the cup, but they have an average chance the West is open.

The Leafs would have allrady been eliminated if they were in the west.

Even my dad who lives back in Ontario where I grew up by the way agrees with me and says his leafs have no chance this year. And my dad is a Leaf homer.

The only thing I like about the Leafs is Kaberle and Wellwood.

Stats are for losers wins and losses are what counts.

Remind me when I said the "leafs will win the Cup"? As for being a "HOMER" every guy on this friggin' board is a Homer....Whats wrong with supporting your team? I'd take being a Homer over some bandwagon fan anyday! As for having a chance, Thats what the playoffs are..Ask Edmonton. All you have to do is make it in, and then go on a little run...See ya there,maybe.
Flames win Again.

Huselius has the longest active point streak at 12 games.

Kipper is better than Luongo, allthough Luongo is a beast. I wish he was back in Florida.

Like I said Flames will win the Northwest.

Wow, Predicting the Flames "WILL" win the Northwest, Carefull Buck, some might mistake that for being a Homer......
Wow, Predicting the Flames "WILL" win the Northwest, Carefull Buck, some might mistake that for being a Homer......

I didn't think Lunogo could carry the team, apparently he can. If he didn't the Flames could win.

Vancouver has been the best team since Christmas. I was pretty damn close to getting it right though, we aren't that far back.

What's with the buck talk, I love Leaf fans they never dissapoint, this is why I hated the team so much growing up in the K-W area. The leaf fans and media aer so entertaining.
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