Earlier this month, a field of your fellow posters began the internet fight for The Most Coveted Title in the History of the Internet - FFMM CHAMPION
Now it is down to the final two competitors for 2019:
Repping the Marino Bracket:
Repping the Taylor Bracket:
Follow the link below to watch the Battle ... Laugh, Stare at T&A, and generally be entertained. Don’t forget to Cast Your VOTE for the combatant you feel gave you the most entertainment.
This way to the FINALS Thread/Ballot:
*** Important Note:
The Competition Threads are NSFW.
Don’t view anywhere scantally clad babes or inappropriate humor wouldn’t be appreciated. ***
Now it is down to the final two competitors for 2019:
Repping the Marino Bracket:
Repping the Taylor Bracket:
Follow the link below to watch the Battle ... Laugh, Stare at T&A, and generally be entertained. Don’t forget to Cast Your VOTE for the combatant you feel gave you the most entertainment.
This way to the FINALS Thread/Ballot:
*** Important Note:
The Competition Threads are NSFW.
Don’t view anywhere scantally clad babes or inappropriate humor wouldn’t be appreciated. ***