Official Patriot love affair disgust!!!! | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Official Patriot love affair disgust!!!!

I have gone back as well and looked at Decleater's posts and I am not seeing the same things as you. I have seen multiple posts where as soon as someone mentions the Pats or Brady in a negative light, right away he jumps to the Pats defense, like he is a Pats fan.

Well you are wrong and Goon is right, I am a Dolphin fan, but I am also a football fan. I respect good teams and players, and see no reason to bash a franchise because they are succesful. Nor do I wish to delude myself into thinking the (my) Miami Dolphins are better then they are. I will admit that I am not a fan of cry baby posts/posters, and since I can be a jerk at times I will sometimes call them out. There are so many threads in this forum full of value. If I am guilty of anything it is not showing my support for the good ones.

You were right about one thing, and that is that "I'm a big boy", so don't think your address to me was the least bit bothersome. I would like to thank Goon however for sticking up for me. Even though it wasn't needed it was appreciated. Thank-you.
Tainted? They won, they have the trophies, they have the reg. season and post season wins to walk away from these type of sentiments laughing. They still had to go on the field and produce and execute the X's and O's. Say what you want, I want MIA to get there ASAP.

Conspiracy theories are silly when talking about sports. Like they say 'xhit happens.'.

Wow, so unlike many football fans around the country from other teams (Colts, Steelers, Jets, Cowboys to name a few) who consistently see favoritism in the Pats direction (i.e., crucial calls, non-calls, scheduling, stealing signals from other teams, fudging injury lists, blatant HGH offenses and etc.) you actually respect them? Just so you know -- the trophies don’t prove there wasn’t some crap going on. And it only takes a few “breaks” in the crucial time (i.e., the tuck rule absolute BS) of a game to ensure most victories or defeats in the NFL. And I stand by what I said, after watching pro football for many years – I never saw one team consistently get obvious breaks as the Pats over the past years. Bottom line, call it what you want...
I mean honestly what do you want the writers to say. They have Brady back and added a wide out to spread the field opposite randy moss, so lets see, tom brady, moss, welker, galloway, good line , good coach, good slew of backs where prob like other over the hill unwanted players Taylor will have a top year. Hell with castle they still almost made playoffs, how can one not consider them top 4 teams in the NFL this year. name some teams other than eagles, giants, steelers that are better than the pats out right?

So as it stands they are favored with good reason, I know its sickening to listen about how good they are gonna be and how they are so great but until they don't win the east and take it deep into the playoffs with Brady then they will stop yammering away.

don't let being a finsfan blind you from thinking they don't belong up there cause they do....unfortunately.
Wow, so unlike many football fans around the country from other teams (Colts, Steelers, Jets, Cowboys to name a few) who consistently see favoritism in the Pats direction (i.e., crucial calls, non-calls, scheduling, stealing signals from other teams, fudging injury lists, blatant HGH offenses and etc.) you actually respect them? Just so you know -- the trophies don’t prove there wasn’t some crap going on. And it only takes a few “breaks” in the crucial time (i.e., the tuck rule absolute BS) of a game to ensure most victories or defeats in the NFL. And I stand by what I said, after watching pro football for many years – I never saw one team consistently get obvious breaks as the Pats over the past years. Bottom line, call it what you want...

They win, no matter how you cut it. So yes I respect them. Don't like them, but yes respect what that franchise has done since 2000.
Hatred of other teams blind people to the real rationale of being jealous in most cases. Thats what I call it.
They win, no matter how you cut it. So yes I respect them. Don't like them, but yes respect what that franchise has done since 2000.

Hatred of other teams blind people to the real rationale of being jealous in most cases. Thats what I call it.

I agree with you for the most part. see I hate the Pats not cause they are very good football team, I hate them because of the way there fans act, and because of there coach...and that's pretty much it. doesn't help much that they seem to get lucky a lot and they are in our division. by lucky I mean they get a lot of things go there way in a football games.
I don't blame the MSM for being on the Pats jock......the last time Brady played a full season they went 18-1........Not bad except for the lose kept them from wearing another ring (thank you Burress). They deserve the credit until someone knocks them off......I think we can do it this yr and go back to back afc champs.....then we will get the credit we deserve.......
They win, no matter how you cut it. So yes I respect them. Don't like them, but yes respect what that franchise has done since 2000.
Hatred of other teams blind people to the real rationale of being jealous in most cases. Thats what I call it.

Well the Stealers and Cowboys have won more than them and I have no bad feelings towards their franchises. IMO, unless you're a fan of the Pats, I can't possibly understand respecting the cheating and obvious quid pro quo favoritism. Cheating to win is not the same as winning.

To each his own. Some people respect Bernie Madoff, so what can you say.
Well you are wrong and Goon is right, I am a Dolphin fan, but I am also a football fan. I respect good teams and players, and see no reason to bash a franchise because they are succesful. Nor do I wish to delude myself into thinking the (my) Miami Dolphins are better then they are. I will admit that I am not a fan of cry baby posts/posters, and since I can be a jerk at times I will sometimes call them out. There are so many threads in this forum full of value. If I am guilty of anything it is not showing my support for the good ones.

You were right about one thing, and that is that "I'm a big boy", so don't think your address to me was the least bit bothersome. I would like to thank Goon however for sticking up for me. Even though it wasn't needed it was appreciated. Thank-you.

I don't expect anyone to discredit the Patriots any more than I expect Dolphins fans to defend them when it happens. A Dolphins fan should hate the Pats with every fiber of their being. God forbid anybody say anything offensive towards the media darlings, whether they deserve it or not, whether accurate or not, they are still the Patriots and I don't see any reason to stick up for them from a Dolphins fan perspective. Some people take this non-homer stuff too far really. I'll take a homer over your type any day.
I don't expect anyone to discredit the Patriots any more than I expect Dolphins fans to defend them when it happens. A Dolphins fan should hate the Pats with every fiber of their being. God forbid anybody say anything offensive towards the media darlings, whether they deserve it or not, whether accurate or not, they are still the Patriots and I don't see any reason to stick up for them from a Dolphins fan perspective. Some people take this non-homer stuff too far really. I'll take a homer over your type any day.
well there is one thing saying gee wiz the pats are an awesome team and I think the world of tom brady! But there isn't anything wrong with using your brain to see that they are a good football team and tom brady is a hall of fame qb. im not ignorant enough just cause I hate the team to say they are a horrible team. you act as if the media should be talking differently about the pats, how would you like them to talk about a team that has dominated the NFL for how many years now and almost squeezed by us with another playoff birth with MATT CASTLE!...

Homer or not don't be blind to there success.
Well the Stealers and Cowboys have won more than them and I have no bad feelings towards their franchises. IMO, unless you're a fan of the Pats, I can't possibly understand respecting the cheating and obvious quid pro quo favoritism. Cheating to win is not the same as winning.

To each his own. Some people respect Bernie Madoff, so what can you say.

Not a fan of the Pats, but I guess a fan of quality football. I wasn't a fan of the Cowboy teams in the 90s, but I sure did like watching their brand of football. IDK, every Sunday after the Dolphins play...I watch alot of the other games. I love watching the athletes from multiple teams compete.

Second post you've brought in some type of comment like this (ie Fox News). So I'll comment back on it...I believe someone who stole and defrauded billions of dollars from peoples retirement plans, is a criminal. There is ABSOLUTELY no comparison of a Football Fan respecting a SB caliber franchise. The only teams I've hated, were the Chiefs and 9er's. Both were in HS and it was because I had to deal w/ friends who were fans of those teams. Since I'm no longer in HS and now a adult. I watch the games for the competition. I can stand KC and SF now. Prolly cause I don't have to hear how great they are year in and year out.

To say you must hate NE with every fiber of my being is silly. Why is that a must to be a fan of the Fish? I have more dislike of the Bills than I do for the Pats. IDK, you can rationalize your hate for that franchise as you see fit.
I don't expect anyone to discredit the Patriots any more than I expect Dolphins fans to defend them when it happens. A Dolphins fan should hate the Pats with every fiber of their being. God forbid anybody say anything offensive towards the media darlings, whether they deserve it or not, whether accurate or not, they are still the Patriots and I don't see any reason to stick up for them from a Dolphins fan perspective. Some people take this non-homer stuff too far really. I'll take a homer over your type any day.

Oh NOESSSS! We can't be friends? When I go to a MIA game this year, you won't join me for a beer? What ever will I do?
I guess going to NE this year w/ my bro and his son makes me traitor? I mean my nephew knows no better. He's gonna be in 6th grade, so maybe when we go I should yell and shout profanities at him since he's a NE fan and I should be more of a homer. Grow up.
well there is one thing saying gee wiz the pats are an awesome team and I think the world of tom brady! But there isn't anything wrong with using your brain to see that they are a good football team and tom brady is a hall of fame qb. im not ignorant enough just cause I hate the team to say they are a horrible team. you act as if the media should be talking differently about the pats, how would you like them to talk about a team that has dominated the NFL for how many years now and almost squeezed by us with another playoff birth with MATT CASTLE!...

Homer or not don't be blind to there success.

Barff! Go away with the Pats slime and chesse -- you can admire the cheating BS all you want to but go telling the rest of us to use our "brain" when we've obviously figured something out that perhaps your love for the pats misses? They are PROVEN slime cheating frauds amped on HGH and secret films... I mean DUH, use the brain...
Oh NOESSSS! We can't be friends? When I go to a MIA game this year, you won't join me for a beer? What ever will I do?
I guess going to NE this year w/ my bro and his son makes me traitor? I mean my nephew knows no better. He's gonna be in 6th grade, so maybe when we go I should yell and shout profanities at him since he's a NE fan and I should be more of a homer. Grow up.

Don't really know what you're on about because your response was not related in any way to my post. By the way, my uncle is a die hard Pats fan and comes over every Sunday to watch his team on the ticket -- down stairs of course.

well there is one thing saying gee wiz the pats are an awesome team and I think the world of tom brady! But there isn't anything wrong with using your brain to see that they are a good football team and tom brady is a hall of fame qb. im not ignorant enough just cause I hate the team to say they are a horrible team. you act as if the media should be talking differently about the pats, how would you like them to talk about a team that has dominated the NFL for how many years now and almost squeezed by us with another playoff birth with MATT CASTLE!...

Homer or not don't be blind to there success.

It's one thing to say the Patriots are an established and successful team, it's another thing to disregard the defending division champions because princess Brady is back. Their success shouldn't over shadow our own. Who is discrediting the Patriots? I guess your idea of discrediting is questioning Brady's health status.
Oh NOESSSS! We can't be friends? When I go to a MIA game this year, you won't join me for a beer? What ever will I do?

I guess going to NE this year w/ my bro and his son makes me traitor? I mean my nephew knows no better. He's gonna be in 6th grade, so maybe when we go I should yell and shout profanities at him since he's a NE fan and I should be more of a homer. Grow up.
see if you did that then you would be the typical you know what...that's right pats fan.

growing up in Ma I went to tons of pats fins games and when you get bottled at for wearing a Marino jers at the age of 12 you don't forget how stupid fans can be. that is why for me as a fins fan am proud to say that I almost never see nor hear of these acts going on with fins fans. well I guess im sure there are a couple homers lurking around the corner ready to throw some curses or even a bottle or two your way at your children.
Not a fan of the Pats, but I guess a fan of quality football.

WOW! You consider the Pats quality football??? Wow, with the flag football QB position and OL holding at will. Brilliant. I must admit that part had eluded me. And I always thought the good old Dolphins way back played REAL QUALITY FOOTBALL. Thanks for the illumination.
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