**Official Phins Vs. Bills Game Thread** | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

**Official Phins Vs. Bills Game Thread**

That was a bad throw.. he was staring chambers down the whole way..
thanks. cbs is showing childrens programming instead of football here this morning. I was wondering if it was just me, or if they were doing it elsewhere as well.
OK turn over, Bills fans will talk crap now, so fake those Bills fans
Ok AJ now knows this is not acceptable....turnovers are the true test of a good QB...agreed?
Consistency...that is what is needed. By A.J. and the recievers. Recievers dropping balls and A.J. locking on to guys...he needs to LEARN to look off defenders....and that can be taught people...be patient.
our defense looked confused on that play
Feeley has to learn that the guys on his team have the same color jersey. He needs to quit thowing to the OTHER DAMN TEAM!!!
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