Oh I Almost Forgot To Ask This. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Oh I Almost Forgot To Ask This.


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Aug 30, 2005
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anadarko okla.
SO without futher adieu , Ole Rosco here is wondering which unis will the fin use this week ? those hidious white uniforms need a break , if it was me i would use navy blue just to confuse everybody here at fin heaven. another must ask question the dallas bicolor jerseys are white around the shoulder and sleeve and dark blue in the chest area. so why not get the phins to do the same except we use black and aqua. that would really look cool would it not?
I will be in front of the tv with my Aqua Zach Thomas on yelling for our Dolphins to kick butt. By the way where is Brother DD28, get the sucka fired up!
The game is in Oakland, so I think we will probably be lookin at aqua jerseys with white pants if it is hot in Oakland. If it is a comfortable day it will probably white on white or white on aqua. It's the Raiders call what they wear not the Dolphins.
Home team has the choice of light or dark unis.
Since the humidity is so great in Miami, the white on white uniforms are borderline genius. Make the other team wear dark....it has an affect.
And the white on white with the white helmets with the aqua and orange trim looks awesome. while the aqua is refreshing once in a while, I rarely get tired of the white on white.
IMO the phins have the best logo and uni's in the league and always have. And I would be extremely disappointed if they ever altered them or changed their colors.
Oakland has worn black every home game this season. So we should be looking at white on white again.
dolphan81 said:
The game is in Oakland, so I think we will probably be lookin at aqua jerseys with white pants if it is hot in Oakland. If it is a comfortable day it will probably white on white or white on aqua. It's the Raiders call what they wear not the Dolphins.
Home team has the choice of light or dark unis.

hot in Oakland? It is NEVER hot in the bay area

its gonna be about 57 and sunny tommorow

you'll see white on white again tommorow
Lungoystr said:
Nahhhhh, I was thinking more of dehydrated pork patties. Mmmmmmmm, dehydrated porrrrrk pattttttties. :drool: :D

Mmmmm....can you suck on 'em like jerky?
ROSCO P.C. JR said:
SO without futher adieu , Ole Rosco here is wondering which unis will the fin use this week ? those hidious white uniforms need a break , if it was me i would use navy blue just to confuse everybody here at fin heaven. another must ask question the dallas bicolor jerseys are white around the shoulder and sleeve and dark blue in the chest area. so why not get the phins to do the same except we use black and aqua. that would really look cool would it not?

Those dead white are ugly.
Does anybody remember the last time the Raiders wore white at home? I can't really say it has ever happened.
The whites aren't bad, but the orange is hideous.
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