Cunning Linguist
I lost my dearest cat Pete two days ago, on the day of our big win over the Colts. I got to see the poor guy for the last time as my Mom took him to the vote to be put to sleep. I put this message on my AIM profile:
December 10, 2001
Pete the Cat
My oldest cat enjoyed his last day on Earth. His cancer had left him thin, frail, and weak. We made the choice to end his life before he would begin suffering. I know he is thankful that he can rest peacefully without pain now. My house has a huge void though. I will miss him jumping up to the sink to sip water from the faucet, rubbing against my legs, and his soft purr when I pet him. Pete was the best cat on earth, mellow, cool, smart, and a great companion. I will miss you old buddy. Stay cool Petey. :'(
I just wanted to get that off my chest.
December 10, 2001
Pete the Cat
My oldest cat enjoyed his last day on Earth. His cancer had left him thin, frail, and weak. We made the choice to end his life before he would begin suffering. I know he is thankful that he can rest peacefully without pain now. My house has a huge void though. I will miss him jumping up to the sink to sip water from the faucet, rubbing against my legs, and his soft purr when I pet him. Pete was the best cat on earth, mellow, cool, smart, and a great companion. I will miss you old buddy. Stay cool Petey. :'(
I just wanted to get that off my chest.