Ok Here It Goes | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ok Here It Goes


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Apr 28, 2007
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Although this is my first comment ever on this website, I have been a regular reader of the threads and comments from the great Dolphin nation citizens for almost three years. Today, once again, the majority feel cheated by an organization they have constantly put their hopes on. I'm a 23 year old chemical engineer living in Southern California, and was raised believing the Miami Dolphins were the best team in the world, basically because my dad told me so. However as I grew older (and hopefully wise) I realized that there are good and bad days... and there is nothing I can do about them but to deal with them. I'm not going to lie to you my, but when the name Ted Ginn came out of the announcers mouth a shockwave stunned me as if Rocky Marciano's jab had just landed on my torso. I cried because, in my mind, I hoped for the "Second Coming" and instead I got a "false prophet"... yet I was wrong to take this approach in life because greatness might come from an unexpected source... sometimes it only needs a catalyst. And on the other hand deception might come from the least expected source, just like Lucibelle, the most beautiful and powerful angel in heaven turned his back to God and became Lucifer. As a hardcore fan I also thought of changing teams, because I was confused... my faith was crushed... but then I though of my father... the good moments... and the bad ones... and realized that they are me... I am those moments and they are me.. they have shaped me, expanded me, crushed me, and lifted me... yet today they dropped me… and well I can’t stopped being me even if I wanted to. Tomorrow there are several things guaranteed to occur the sun will rise, the wind will blow, children will smile… and I will continue to be a Dolphin fan, and will do so until my last breath.
Very good post, as I said in the draft thread, I'm not opposed to a play maker, and I think Ginn is one. I think we may have gotten a steal, I think back to last year and how reggie bush speed just crushed teams, and I'm hoping for the same from Ginn. When it comes to QB's, it's a hard call, Quinn maybe a good one, or he may be a leak, and I think the brass in Miami just didn't want to take one that high and set the franchise back 4 to 5 years. So Ginn was the safe pick, vs the hmmm, pick.
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