Okay enough of this first rounder talk | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Okay enough of this first rounder talk


In Dawn We Trust!
May 24, 2003
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I say we do whatever we can to sign Ogunleye to a long term contract. At first I wanted the draft picks but after seeing how the off season has shaped up I changed my mind. We sign Ogunleye long term and take the best available non-quarterback with the first pick.
I disagree. I think if we can get the picks for O-Gun then that would be great. I think whoever you put across from Jason Taylor will be successful.

David Bowens actually beat out O-Gun in training camp before the 2002 season. Bowens was injured so O-Gun filled in and was great. I think Bowens will be a good starter for us.

Another 1st and 3rd for O-Gun would drastically help this team. We could get an excellent WR, OL or get some defensive guys for the future.
At this point, I'd rather keep Ogun. There's no need so great that we should sacrifice an All-Pro defensive end to fill it. Before the Boston deal and the OL signings this week, I thought we should have dealt him. But now, with these moves, I'm reversing field.
I totaly agree with phunwin, its EXACTLY what i was thinking
Originally posted by phunwin
At this point, I'd rather keep Ogun. There's no need so great that we should sacrifice an All-Pro defensive end to fill it. Before the Boston deal and the OL signings this week, I thought we should have dealt him. But now, with these moves, I'm reversing field.

Ditto. to a tee.

we needed the pics before, but now that we have our OL and (maybe) WR, we can use our only ONE draft pick for a QB.

Keep O-Gun!
I agree with Gonk. Jason pulls so many double teams that anyone on the other side would be successful. We have other area's that need to be addressed....like the offense...every position....still. Depth is a very good thing.

I just hope that we dont play the team he gets traded to.
I'd prefer to keep Ogun. It's a myth that Taylor takes all the double teams. It was true early last season, but JT made the big jump in sacks at the end b/c Ogun was drawing the doubles. Even then, Ogun's stats stayed consistent.

I wanted the picks earlier b/c we the upgrade from DT to one of this year's stud WRs was potentially huge. If we get Boston, then it's very possible that no WR we can draft will be an upgrade. At best the upgrade is much smaller.
Originally posted by phunwin
At this point, I'd rather keep Ogun. There's no need so great that we should sacrifice an All-Pro defensive end to fill it. Before the Boston deal and the OL signings this week, I thought we should have dealt him. But now, with these moves, I'm reversing field.
I'm with you on this, but it took a while to get here. I'm willing to cross my fingers and pray that this new o-line gels and that D-Bos will be stable and healthy.

The clincher? The sense that Ogun's best days are yet to come.
Ok I hate this nonsense ignorant bs from some of the members and fans of miami that value Agunleye as no one. He was the better Defensive end last year period. Don't give me the Jtaylor doubleteam bs, he was beat one on one a lot and Agunleye fought of many offenders to get his sacks. He played hard on the run too stopping running backs and if I hear that his success is due to Jason taylor then I will rip your heads off.


For someone who is so adament about the player and his ability, youd think he could spell his name
Agree, keep O-GUN. The defense isnt exactly getting younger and he is one of the younger proven stars on D.
I think you should trade him. Let your FO do to the D line what it's in the process of doing for your o-line.:lol:
As Phunwin said, I just don't see a need that makes me think, okay let's give up a Pro Bowl defensive end to fill a need at _______ position. Good o-lineman can be had with the one pick in the first round that we do have or in the mid rounds.
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