"One More Year".....SHEESH!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"One More Year".....SHEESH!!!


May 21, 2002
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Ft. Lauderdale, FL
I hate to say it, but it seems like we've been sticking with the "one more year" philosophy for over two decades now....

How many more "one more year" seasons can we tollerate???...

I myself, am sick and tired of the losing trend....

Before we landed Ricky, it was "All we need is a RB". Well, we have our RB now, and we got even worse.....

What's the answer??....I wish I knew.

I do know one thing however, one more year of the same old same old wont bode well for this franchise, or it's fans....

No more excuses people. It's now or never, do or die, put up or shut up time.....

If the coaches and players were to come out before the season started and say, "We going to fall flat again in December", I wouldn't be so angry.....

But when it's, "We're very close", or "We're doing the right things, but not winning the games"...blah blah blah, I get sick to my stomach....

Maybe I should just hit the mute button when Dave makes his statements about our up and coming season. The BS is piling up at a very rapid pace IMO....


I know it sounds like the same old BS but, there are only so many things they CAN say......I know we all wish they would be more candid with us but they can't....they have to be careful what they say for more reasons than you or I could possibly know....so we are treated to the same old tired cliches that don't cause any controversy while they secretly plan and manuever behind the scenes.......our only hope is to believe that they are doing and addressing more than what they are talking about.
I know it sounds like the same old BS but, there are only so many things they CAN say......I know we all wish they would be more candid with us but they can't....they have to be careful what they say for more reasons than you or I could possibly know....so we are treated to the same old tired cliches that don't cause any controversy while they secretly plan and manuever behind the scenes.......our only hope is to believe that they are doing and addressing more than what they are talking about.

Originally posted by BLITZKRIEG
I hate to say it, but it seems like we've been sticking with the "one more year" philosophy for over two decades now....

How many more "one more year" seasons can we tollerate???...

I myself, am sick and tired of the losing trend....

Before we landed Ricky, it was "All we need is a RB". Well, we have our RB now, and we got even worse.....

What's the answer??....I wish I knew.

I do know one thing however, one more year of the same old same old wont bode well for this franchise, or it's fans....

No more excuses people. It's now or never, do or die, put up or shut up time.....

If the coaches and players were to come out before the season started and say, "We going to fall flat again in December", I wouldn't be so angry.....

But when it's, "We're very close", or "We're doing the right things, but not winning the games"...blah blah blah, I get sick to my stomach....

Maybe I should just hit the mute button when Dave makes his statements about our up and coming season. The BS is piling up at a very rapid pace IMO....



The first answer to the problem is Bumstedt, plain and simple. i don't need another year. 3 yrs is enough to show a trend in where we're heading. I don't even listen or read anything he says cuz it's all BS.

But anyway, I see your :fire: and I'll raise you :fire: :fire:

Originally posted by inFINSible
I know it sounds like the same old BS but, there are only so many things they CAN say......I know we all wish they would be more candid with us but they can't....they have to be careful what they say for more reasons than you or I could possibly know....so we are treated to the same old tired cliches that don't cause any controversy while they secretly plan and manuever behind the scenes.......our only hope is to believe that they are doing and addressing more than what they are talking about.

This IS true, but I'm looking more of the results rather than thr rhetoric.


DUDE...Suck it up!!! There are fans out there who have to deal with ACTUAL losing seasons year after year! If you're at the end of your rope with the Phins after only having 2 losing seasons in 3 decades, you need to pick another SPORT, let alone another team. There isn't a team in the NFL that has our W/L ratio, so if you can't take THIS pressure, I'm afraid that no other team will be able to keep you happy. Yes, we've had a dry spell from the Superbowl, but considering how many other teams have NEVER won one, you REALLY have no room to b!tch!
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227
DUDE...Suck it up!!! There are fans out there who have to deal with ACTUAL losing seasons year after year! If you're at the end of your rope with the Phins after only having 2 losing seasons in 3 decades, you need to pick another SPORT, let alone another team. There isn't a team in the NFL that has our W/L ratio, so if you can't take THIS pressure, I'm afraid that no other team will be able to keep you happy. Yes, we've had a dry spell from the Superbowl, but considering how many other teams have NEVER won one, you REALLY have no room to b!tch!

I've given more loyalty to this team than they deserve IMO.....

Talking about losing teams, we havn't won a Super Bowl in over 30 years. We havn't even been to a Super Bowl in 20 years....

The Patriots (just as an example) have been to a Super Bowl in the 80's, 90's, and 00's.....

They have losing seasons every decade, but they rebuild, and end up getting back to the Super Bowl every ten years.....

We've waited 20, and have yet to even reach the AFC Championship game....


Fine, then root for a different team. Getting to the Superbowl requires luck as much as skill, and we haven't had any in a while. What about Bucs fans? How many "one more year"s did they have to listen to? What about Saints fans? They've never even sniffed the Superbowl. And there's Lions and Bengals fans who suffer through COMPLETELY horrible teams, but still buy tickets, and hold out hope. You think the Phins organization has betrayed you? Fine, and dandy, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. I swear, I've never seen such crap in my entire life. The Phins stay competetive year after year, and you're going to bitch about it!! JESUS!
I agree... since all that will make you happy is a super bowl.. just become a banwaggon jumper.. get on what ever team is hot and ride them.. The Fins owe you nothing... they put a competitve team on the Field every year. They have had arguably the best Qb ever and are on the way to having the best RB ever. If you would rather cheer for a team full of nobodys just cause they win the super bowl one year and are gone the next then go ahead and root for the Pats.. what jersey you gonna buy? Brady? is he really a hero?
The fins you can buy sooo many jersey's and wear them proudly.. Ricky, Jason, Zach, Pat, Sam... Every year you know they are gonna put a great team out and give you hope.. it makes the year exciting.. would you really rather have 8-9 bad seasons with no hope, where football just isn't even exciting, just to go to the super bowl once?
Here's an idea, there's a guy who calls into 940Qam called Raider Dave. He used to be called JetsDave. Give him a shout, all you have to do is buy 32 jerseys, and you should be set for the year.
OK, OK, I say we change the mantra then. Instead of "one more year," we change it to: "ONE LESS YEAR!!" That way, if the team in thinking about building for the future, assembling a team that can win two years down the road, or any other such nonsense, we can all cry out, ONE LESS YEAR! and they'll understand that we want everything done now. :D
I'll assume you're joking, but the sad fact is, plenty of fans say just that sort of thing and are completely serious. The Raider Nation may be filled with it's share of dirtbags, but the Phin Phaithful are full of whinny little brats. "We wanna win NOW, or we're taking our balls and going home!" "We've given enough to this team, we want a Superbowl NOW". Yeah, THESE are the people I'd want around me in a fight. They must all be French (WE SURRENDER).
Originally posted by PhinPhan1227
Here's an idea, there's a guy who calls into 940Qam called Raider Dave. He used to be called JetsDave. Give him a shout, all you have to do is buy 32 jerseys, and you should be set for the year.

yea I you are right I hear him its fun there is another guy who calls and ten they go at it.. Dave the Jets Fan he is too funny..
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