One-On-One With Dolphin Owner Stephen Ross | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

One-On-One With Dolphin Owner Stephen Ross


Active Roster
Aug 10, 2008
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Pattaya, Thailand
Alot of this article is just the blah-blah-blah B.S. that really does not mean anything and is a totally useless as a nugget of information. But what caught my eye was at the very end when I got to the last paragraph:

Instead, he said he has been working to create something he plans to call the Ross Institute for Sports and Equality.

“This will be a national non-profit that will have a real impact,” he said. “We’re working on legislation. We’re working with different sports, as opposed to just football. Football isn’t the one sport where there has been a lack of respect and civility in the way people talk to each other and intolerance that people have. It manifests itself when kids first start playing sports. Kids aren’t born, children aren’t born with prejudice, they develop it. And certainly the athletic field is something where everybody has a lot in common and I think we can use that to change a lot of the paradigm that occurs in America today.”

Maybe I am late to the table, but I did not know he actually set up a foundation. The idea of equality in sports is ridiculous. If every one in sports was equal then why in the hell would you even play the games? If he set this up to deal with what happen to Johnathan Martin, it is even more ludicrous. The NFL, or any other professional league for that matter, is made up of highly aggressive and competitive individuals and I would not have it any other way. This mentality allows the more physically gifted to rise to the top and the others to fall by the way side. The ribbing that goes on in a locker room is just another way to vet the weaker individuals. To think that you can weed this aggression out of individuals that bash each others brain out, is a very myopic view of why people play the game. If your not going out the there to win the game and crush the opponent, then why play? (A concept that I think Philbin does not grasp, but I digress.) I think players respect the abilities of their opponents, but have a healthy disdain at the same time. Your not a buddy when your on the field. If your teammates see a weakness in you, being naturally aggressive, they are going to exploit that and needle you until you stand up and slink into a corner and have Daddy run to your defense. Its the same reason why businesses fail, why some people get the job and others do not, and why animals either survive and adapt or they die. The PC mentality individuals have adopted in this country is going to be to our ruin.
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