Our rookie wonderlic scores?? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Our rookie wonderlic scores??

The only one i know of is the 7th round DE Kevin Vickerson. He scored a 5, let me repeat that a FIVE.

Cheapshotz said:
The only one i know of is the 7th round DE Kevin Vickerson. He scored a 5, let me repeat that a FIVE.


I listened to his conference call and I could completely understand how he did score a 5!
Cheapshotz said:
The only one i know of is the 7th round DE Kevin Vickerson. He scored a 5, let me repeat that a FIVE.


a WHAT?!?!?

Who cares about Vickerson! D-Lineman are MORONS...

He just needs to learn to get better leverage. I don't think he needs to be very smart to understand that.
It's not as bad as it sounds if he got the five toughest questions correct. The type who needs to be challenged.
Vickerson actually scored a 14 on the wonderlich.
Cheapshotz said:
The only one i know of is the 7th round DE Kevin Vickerson. He scored a 5, let me repeat that a FIVE.

Where did you hear that? A 14 seems more realistic.
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