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Our team's direction for the future

Sorry, but I'll respectfully disagree with you. We don't have the worst receiving corps in the league. With the addition of boston, we are ahead of NE, and equal to Buffalo and the Jets. Plus, the Raiders are probably the worst receiving corps with the aged Brown and Rice, and a talented, but injury-prone Porter.
Originally posted by TheBostonBomber
i would take what spielman said with a grain of salt. " were not intreseted in Boston." or something to that affect is what he said before we made the deal.

You realize that RS never said that. He was asked about a rumor that we had agreed to trade a 3rd rounder for Boston. He said we would not trade a 3rd for Boston. He also said he had not spoken to Boston's agent. He said the agent had left him a msg., but that he hadn't called him back. When asked if he would return the call, RS said he always returns calls out of curtesy. Irresponsible reporters then reported that RS denied interest in Boston, which wasn't true, and assumed that RS would call the agent back only out of curtesy and no other reason (also not true).
RS has stated he likes what he's seen from Whitley in off-season conditiong (hopefully losing some of that jelly roll stomach). Whitley is strong as a bull, he doesn't have the quickest feet ever though and needs technique to survive. He is learning that and I feel he'll surprise this year. I'm not worried about RG as we have many to put in their and perform at/above last year's level.

A WR, RT, LB, DT, S all are possibilities to me. I really think RS knows what he's doing. He's been around football his whole life, has seen it from a player's persepctive (his brother is a former All-Pro) and from managements side.

He has also seen things from management but not quite the top, he's seen the mistakes of others, the successes of others, and is a person known for quantitative data that he loves to analyze. I trust him and think he'll come through one or another will a solid plan, without a knee jerk reaction to what fans, or others, want him to do.
I should look this up... but lazy. Isn't Yates still on the team (he started or filled in a game or two I believe)? He was an undrafted FA last year and beat out Whitley in training camp to back up at Guard.
TeeMoney you are correct about Yates. He was a solid G at Texas A&M and had an injury his sr. year that put his draft stock down. He is strictly a LG type though w/o the upside to be a longtime starter. He lacks the physical skills to be a RG at all.

Whitley has the size, strength, and ability tob e a longtime starter if he puts it together.

Yates just lacks the strength and size to be a RG due to the size of DT's in this league. A LG needs to be more of an athletic guy, who pulls and traps while the RG anchors and handles the bull rush.
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