Parsing The Martin "News" - Disingenuous BSPN D-Bags At It Again! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Parsing The Martin "News" - Disingenuous BSPN D-Bags At It Again!


The Intra-Dimensional Felinians R Coming 2 Save Us
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Apr 29, 2007
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Beam Me Up Outa Here!
Just saw Adam ****-4-brains and Parcells' toady Mort "updating" the Martin charade:

They "reported" that Martin finally had a chance to tell his side of the story to Tony Dungy which was answered by an irate response from Incognito's lawyer. They then went on to add that Dungy received a heated call from Philbin who felt that Tony placed the blame on him. Finally, they shared Saint Dungy saying that if the Fins had designated leaders like Brooks in Tampa Bay, this never would have happened. Not once were the words "refuting" or "conflicting information" mentioned.

No where did they indicate that Martin came across as dishonest and evasive in the Dungy interview - refusing to answer, side-stepping or equivocating on such questions as to whether he and Incog actually were friends, why didn't he go to Phiblin with his issues, etc.... even with Dungy being a soft ball enabler of an interviewer. And of course, no where in these bozos' updates do they state that Incog released all of Martin's texts to him to provide proper context, their abusive,, threatening and sexually deviating references, nor how Richie continued to reach out as a concerned friend then being assured by The Snake that it wasn't him or the team - it was internal.

The "media's" ability to control the message is infuriating. Not that MSNBC is any better on the other ideological pole, but Fox News actually successfully sued to defend their ability to falsify news to fit their agenda. That's why none of us should take any self-serving, polarizing, partisan, axe-2-grind and/or sensationalistic type reporting by today's version of the 4th Estate any more seriously than the drivel coming off the keyboards of basement bloggers with a particular agendi. Think for yourself man. If, like with Martin, it doesn't pass the common-sense "Smell Test" -chances are it really does stink to high heaven!
The media can raise up their own "heroes" anytime they like and they can do the opposite "destroy" any candidate they so choose....
The media can turn any issue to fit whatever agenda that fit their needs to the public. People are lazy in this country when it come to issues they see or read about. Most people only look at the surface. Now when you have a story like this and they, ESPN, take one side of that story they usually will stick to that side unless something drastically changes. Some announcers on their have cast doubts about Martin's story but most are sticking with its Cog's and the Fins fault because it fits their agenda. Far be it from them to state that this type of stuff goes on a lot and most people understand that. It's the agenda setting people the media who says different. Yea right.
ESPN can eat a dick. They don't even try to hide their bias. If the Wells report doesn't reveal anything earth-shattering (which it won't), the fact that it was released won't even make Sports Center. The only time they report on the Fins or anything Fins related is if there is a way they can warp the info to make the Fins look bad. Period.
NESPN, needs to die a long and slow death.

They are the collective minister of propaganda for Kraft's regime.
If the media is still reporting that Martin is a "victim" even after the release of Martin's messages, then I believe that the Wells report is going to do the same. I would not be surprised if the NFL (and Wells) already had a predetermined outcome of the investigation in mind before it even started, and will probably use the report to launch their official NFL anti-bullying campaign.

BTW, my opinion of the media is not very high. When a whole section of society feels that it's more important to film and report on a horrific event rather than try and offer help to the victims, then those "people" are utterly useless.
Do you guys think we will lose a draft pick?

Not a chance. Even if we were to be found grossly negligent (which I think is highly doubtful), there would be sanctions, but they would not include the loss of draft pick(s). Draft picks have been taken in the past as punishment for teams that have circumvented the rules in order to obtain an advantage. This situation did not result in any type of competitive advantage for us (quite the contrary, actually).
If a position coach is forced out the door it's not a minor matter. That's more than enough ammunition for ESPN or any other network to focus on the findings and severity. They aren't going to care about sack levels and claim that Turner might have been replaced anyway.

The report is not going to be empty. It will be spun downward here, and any Martin news will be turned again him, with all the familiar clever words. Other outlets will spotlight the entirety. Believe it or not, there won't be 31 other teams facing an internal league report on Wednesday. Merely the Dolphins.
I am glad I have not turned on the TV today. The media will beat this drum as long as possible.
Parcels is worm food in my eyes. I really could not care about anything that over rated coach thinks.
If not for a missed field goal, he is a foot note.
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