Patriots came out way ahead in Bledsoe deal | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Patriots came out way ahead in Bledsoe deal


Maria & LauRen Aha!
Sep 4, 2001
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Patriots came out way ahead in Bledsoe deal - interesting reading for bills fan friends. Personally, a little too Pat biased but interesting - none the less, i.e.

Reed got unbelievable separation in college, but he is a rookie, Price is a No. 3 receiver at best and Moulds is one of the most overrated players in the NFL.
This guy is obviously a Pats fan, and he is talking about Drew Bledsoe being no great prize? I don't think Drew is any better then Fiedler, HOWEVER I do think that Tom Brady is a freaking one hit wonder...but we shall see.
I think this deal is better for the Bills because Bledsoe is good but not great. This will screw the Patriots because Brady sucks.
The guy who wrote that is just a fan, and a Paties fan at that. If that's the only negative feedback from "The Trade", then I'm a happy cross-dresser!
Originally posted by dolfan87
This guy is obviously a Pats fan, and he is talking about Drew Bledsoe being no great prize? I don't think Drew is any better then Fiedler, HOWEVER I do think that Tom Brady is a freaking one hit wonder...but we shall see.
I'm with you on Brady - cannot wait to Damon at QB ag. us last game of year :lol:
Is TSN so desperate for staff writers that they have to give a full page spread to some Patsies fan? While I think the trade was really a wash and that neither team will do too well this year, it's pretty obvious that this "article" has absolutely no substance.
i forgot the pats still had huard!

Originally posted by dolphan39
I'm with you on Brady - cannot wait to Damon at QB ag. us last game of year :lol:
think there might be some incentive for that game?;)
I kind of wish that the we didn't give up more than a 2nd for Drew. If he gets us into the playoffs then I guess a low 1st rounder is acceptable and you won't see me complain. It is too early to tell on Brady, but my feeling is he will be a fluke. There is no way he should have been SB MVP.
i don't think brady will get it done

this year. i'm not comparing him to marino, no way is he as good as a marino, but after the first year marino didn't put up he numbers he did the first year. he put up fantastic stats, but not as good as 84. brady will fall on his a$$ the second time around!:p
New England caught a lot of people of guard last season. It won't happen again. Even though we were 3-13 last year, we nearly beat them. A bad call gave them the game.
thats what i'm saying. i think brady was different from your average QB, and now that everybody has had a look at the dude, its gonna be mucho different!
This article doesn't worry me. I rely on legitimate sports journalists like Peter King and Peter Prisco to give me an objective outlook on the upcoming season. LOL
Good call on Brady being a one-hit wonder. Bledsoe sure ripped it up for the Bills. Reed Moulds and Price became stud receivers. That guy who wrote that is worthless!

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