Well, if that's the case and they're just being a group of idiots to you because you're a fan of another team in the same division, they're being more than a bit unreasonable. If you went there are were perfectly civil with them only for them to be hostile in return, it doesn't speak highly of them. I would hope that wouldn't happen here. I've seen where a fan of another team comes here and gets slated simply for being a fan of that team but normally someone else here sticks up for them if they're not being a tool. If people are at least vaguely respectful here, I think, generally they won't get picked on too much. I really would have thought most football forums would have been like that but I guess not.
Maybe some of the people who write there aren't so much football fans as 'success followers' and they'll like the Pats while they're good and then move onto another team once the Pats cease to be as good as they have been? It wouldn't surprise me if someone with that mindset would be a bit of an idiot on an internet forum. I'm sure they wouldn't be so brazen to someone's face but that's the nature of anonymous internet hijinks. It lets morons behave like morons without recourse.