Pedro Martinez in trouble for animal cruelty!!! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pedro Martinez in trouble for animal cruelty!!!

Im Dominican and I was there this pass summer, it's true it part of the culture down they have little stadium built for the fights. So in my eyes he did no wrong.
doesnt the media have anything better to report.
Oh but if its dogs then its wrong and horrible...........

Yep. That's right.

I have no real problem with this because we don't eat dogs - they're pets.

Chickens are food - I don't get emotionally attached to my food.

...does that seem cold?
double standard... we eat chicken nuggets, yet we cant fight them. ok, that is the law here... but pedro was in the DR when this happened. down there its fair game.
a non issue.
Chicken Dogs doesnt matter to me. I think Mike Vick got a bad rap.
Yep. That's right.

I have no real problem with this because we don't eat dogs - they're pets.

Chickens are food - I don't get emotionally attached to my food.

...does that seem cold?
Don't really care why. Just seems funny to me how society as a whole operates.
So you are suggesting the outrage over dogfighting was over the legality of the matter?
And plenty of inner city people will tell you that dog fighting is part of their culture.

Vick was actively participating and funding dog fighting, dogs are clearly viewed differently in our culture, and what a sub-culture may or may not do doesnt really matter to the larger society. Inner city people can say it's a cultural thing all they want, it wont quell the outrage of the larger, dominate, culture any. Pedro wasnt funding the fighting, or involved directly and he wasnt killing chickens in horrendous ways after the fight. The differences are so vast to compare the two situations is beyond ridiculous.
Vick was actively participating and funding dog fighting, dogs are clearly viewed differently in our culture, and what a sub-culture may or may not do doesnt really matter to the larger society.
Fair enough. But yes Pedro was involved directly, unless you don't consider the releasing of the chickens as being involved.If Pedro was funding a chicken fighting ring would there be any more outrage then there is now, no. Which brings me to my next point, that chickens are viewed as less worthy of saving as opposed to the dog. Which you yourself admit in your post

Inner city people can say it's a cultural thing all they want, it wont quell the outrage of the larger, dominate, culture any.
Your excuse is its a cultural phenomenan therefore pedro did nothing wrong and one should not point out that they believe it to be wrong is that correct?

Pedro wasnt funding the fighting, or involved directly and he wasnt killing chickens in horrendous ways after the fight. The differences are so vast to compare the two situations is beyond ridiculous.
One is a smaller version of the other I fail to see how there is no room for comparison.
Granted what pedro did was on a much smaller scale, but nonetheless the only defenses that have been argued are well its cultural and its legal, which is laughable defense. Because our culture does not hold the chicken in high esteem doesnot make it ridiculous as you put it for me to say there is some measure of hypocrisy within our society and use the situation and vick's dogfighting as an example.
I can't say I am in favor of any of it, but if it is alright by the DR than he did nothing wrong.
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