Pennington on the New York/New Jersey Super Bowl | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pennington on the New York/New Jersey Super Bowl


Active Roster
Dec 1, 2009
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West Palm Beach
In a best-case scenario, Super Bowl XLVIII will be played on a crisp, clear 50-degree New York evening as the enchanting Manhattan skyline sparkles in the background on an historic night at the new $500 million Meadowlands stadium in East Rutherford, N.J.

Or ….

“About 40-mile-an-hour wind, six inches of snow on the ground,” said Dolphins quarterback Chad Pennington, who has played 38 games at the old Meadowlands in his 10-year career with the Fins and Jets. “You remember the 2002 Tuck Rule game? New England? It would be that. It could definitely be that.”

“I would think it would be a no-brainer of warm weather versus cold weather for anybody, including the people in New York,” Pennington said. “Maybe they can talk Woody Johnson into putting a dome over it.”

I have to agree with Pennington here. Looks like it will be a low scoring, pounding the rock kind of game.
I have no problem with the super bowl being in NY/NJ. I think every eligible city should get to host the super bowl
I don't care that it is in new york but if there is snow plowing done it better be done at the beginning lol.
Truthfully I have no problem with it. I would even support making something competitive out of the pro bowl for homefield, similar to baseball... Now that could get interesting...
The only thing that annoys me is that, say one team has no rush attack and is 1st in the league in passing, it disadvantages you.
The only thing that annoys me is that, say one team has no rush attack and is 1st in the league in passing, it disadvantages you.

Whoever is the best smash mouth team with the most potent Guards and RBs combo would win it. That certainly would favor the current Fins offensive make up! Now, we have the same scheme in the future and certainly by that time the D will be more than fixed. In today's NFL the rules still favor the qb and receivers so a high scoring passing team like Indy or NO will still put up points. But, if a team is too much pass not enough run (Indy) it will hurt them in the fourth quarter in the SB.
Whichever team has the better inside running game has to be favored.
ya with our luck thats the year the dolphins make the superbowl against a team like the giants or packers who play in that crappy weather all the time. who'll have the advantage in that game?
Truthfully I have no problem with it. I would even support making something competitive out of the pro bowl for homefield, similar to baseball... Now that could get interesting...
that wont matter because if the format will continue to be the same as it was last year, the guys playing in the Super Bowl won't play at the Pro Bowl.
people seem to be making 2 huge assumptions here....

1. that it will be horrible conditions. It could be calm, clear and in the low 40's. What can't a team do in those conditions? It doesn't snow most days in February in NJ, contrary to popular belief

2. that teams can't execute offense in the people forget the 08 game in KC, coldest game in Dolphins history? what about the Giants/Packers NFC championship in 07? Does anyone remember that NE hung about 60 on the Titans in the snow this year??
I'm from S. Fla and I'm all for it. Does anybody remeber when the Colts played the Bears here? It rained like a mutha. I know that one of the knocks against a super bowl here was that the stadium was really outdated and didn't have the big luxurious suites that most newer stadiums have. Hopefully this will kick it into high gear and we can get a new one built. Fluck the Marlins!!! They can keep Joe Robbie, let them build the Phins a brand new state of the art stadium
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