"People ask, Can Sage be a backup in this league?" --Norv Turner | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"People ask, Can Sage be a backup in this league?" --Norv Turner


Premium Member
May 24, 2002
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Tampa, FL
"People ask, 'Can Sage be a backup in this league?' " Turner said. "I say, 'Sage is going to be a starter in this league someday,' and a very good one."

There's a whole article about Sage here


Pretty good one too. Seems he's gettin the shaft but it can't really be helped I guess. However, gotta think perhaps this could be the guy we are planning for to be a factor in the future? I know the coaches don't think Fiedler's current production merits the salary cap levels his contract sky-rockets up to 1 or 2 years down the road. I always say the only thing Fiedler has left to do is put together a good semi-pro bowl type year (we're talkin 3000+ yards, 20-something TDs and like 10 INTs) but until then he's not worth like $5-6 million on the salary cap which is I think what will be happening 1 or 2 years from now.

Guess you never can have enough talent at QB but this article does make me think I wanna pay attention more to Sage during preseason than I would have otherwise. QB is such a quandary position. You gotta take chances to get the big rewards and yet the chances are so risky I mean heck, Ray Lucas' role in 5 games lost us the playoffs.
One thing I notice about Sage

Is the way his throws spin a nice tight spiral. You look at Jay's throws and the back end of the ball has a wobble in it. I'm not sure if it has to do with the size of their hands, the way they grip the ball etc. etc.

But the spiral is so much easier to catch. And it also cuts the wind better.

And another thing about Sage is he had a pretty good gun, and has good touch on the short passes. He is raw, but I could see where Norv likes the guy, for sure.
Re: One thing I notice about Sage

Originally posted by Ozzy

But the spiral is so much easier to catch. And it also cuts the wind better.

And another thing about Sage is he had a pretty good gun, and has good touch on the short passes. He is raw, but I could see where Norv likes the guy, for sure.

Agreed on the spiral point. It will also tend to keep its velocity better - wind or no wind.

The article also noted that he has a quick release. I like the potential, with his arm strength and size. He should get lots of PT in a couple of pre-season games and that should help him.

This is good timing after your camp report yesterday, noting how well Sage was throwing the ball! Good job on the report, btw.
I like Sage's potential as well CK, but I'm curbing my excitement for a little while until he actually does something in a game or whatnot.

My point is what do you expect Norv to say? "Well really we don't see much of a future with Sage and only have him on the roster because we need to have a 3rd QB"

Of course he's gonna say he has a future and gonna be a great starter etc.

I have never liked the fact he had more INT than TD in college. I can't think of a single starting QB who did the same in college.
If I'm not mistaken, Sage ran an option offense at Iowa State. So there's a lot to speculate about. However, we do know he's an excellent athlete and can run around.

He may not like it, but if he really does have a future in this league......Sage has a very rare opportunity in Miami. And that's the opportunity to learn and come along slowly behind veterans with very little pressure.

It's the ideal situation that team's very rarely get to implement these days, but are doing their best to bring it back. Houton/Tenn kept McNair out 2 years. NY kept Pennington out 2-1/2 years before Vinny got hurt. Brees, Vick, McNabb, Griese, Harrington were all kept out a year. Culpepper sat one year and they tried to bring in Dan to hold the ship for another. Cincy is trying to keep Palmer out a minimum of 1 year. Tampa will keep Sims out at least 2 if all goes well. Same with Rex Grossman.

Hopefully Sage will do his thing this year and force the staff to make a tougher decision next year.
Fiedler is decent, but his arm doesnt win games. His best aspect used to be mobility, which Sage has edge on hands down. Manage the game, let D and Run game win it, that is Fiedler's strentgh.Strong enough at it to lose a game with a 200 yards run game, strong enough to put team in position to give up 11 point lead in second half with playoffs on li in less than minute's worth of real game time.

The Sage kid could savy Wanny's job late.He has stronger arm than either of their potential starters. Norv likes the square out for his main pass route, Sage has arm to make that work every down on entire field. He is not a weak armed throw to short side Griese/Gannon mold.

He can throw deep pass better also to let CHambers use his speed more. Maybe learning the TE throws and letting routes develop for control to backs and slot recievers is the final polishing to groom a start qb.
Sage had a very good preseason last year..Remember he was the starting QB in the first preseason game when the skins embaressed the 49ers in Japan...He was roling even in the 2nd, he was very poised out there, and I was generally impressed by him..I might even think he could pull a Tom Brady if pressed into duty..I think with his 2nd year in this offense and his arm and Norv's tutoring..he could very well put pressure on someone to start next year.
Actually Phinstd the reason I brought it up was because Norv Turner's praise of Sage Rosenfels was in this case quite effusive. Think of the language we've heard up until now about Sage from our coaches. They've always said, they just DONT KNOW what he can be. DW has said before he doesnt know whether Sage can just be a perennial backup or if Sage can be a starter in this league.

To stand there and say with authority that Sage Rosenfels WILL be a starter in this league, and that he WILL be a good one at that, that is a pretty strong statement. There's a whole load of things Norv could have chosen to say instead of what he did. No he wouldn't say "Well I think with a little work Sage could be a decent backup or third string quarterback..." but there's plenty of things that coaches can say, ambiguous statements etc. Instead, Norv made it a point to say that people keep asking if Sage can be a good backup QB in this league but that HE thinks Sage WILL be a starter in the league and a good one if he just is patient, learns his way, and doesn't rush things.

Unlike those other dudes Muck mentioned Sage is just like a 4th or 5th round QB who was in a monkey option offense in college so he may have to wait a little longer than 2 years before some team (hopefully us) can open the box and find a quality starting QB. Hopefully we are the team that stays patient with him and keeps him around, and hopefully he does develop for us. Right now we can't be overly optimistic about the guy cuz we just haven't seen much of him.
I've been praising the arrival of Sage since the trade last year. I've seen him practice several times, and watch his pre-season games last year. I totally agree with Norv Assessment. I think Sage has all the tools. CK you are the man..Up until that comment by Norv, it was suggested that we just did not know what we had in him. But now, after a few practices we now see what we may have found..Since we gaved up a sevent round pick for him in this years draft, I dont think there's more than three or four QB's out of this years draft that more potential than Sage. Finally, his no rookie, this will be his third year already.
Originally posted by Mr.Murder
Fiedler is decent, but his arm doesnt win games. His best aspect used to be mobility, which Sage has edge on hands down. Manage the game, let D and Run game win it, that is Fiedler's strentgh.Strong enough at it to lose a game with a 200 yards run game, strong enough to put team in position to give up 11 point lead in second half with playoffs on li in less than minute's worth of real game time.

Thanks for clearing that up for me...

I was sure that the Defense laid down in the Patriots game...

I feel so enlightened...

Originally posted by T-ROCK

Thanks for clearing that up for me...

I was sure that the Defense laid down in the Patriots game...

I feel so enlightened...


LOL i was going to say the SAME thing! But hey we all know that Fiedler is ALWAYS the one to blame. :dunno:

Norve offense....five and yard square outs for a strong armed qb,teams lean heavy on outside shoulder it opens up out and up or stop and go route.

Power run game, when teams cheat up the safety or show line stunt off hard count presnap, check down to other run option or the slant/out. When Norv was at his best, AIkman spent more time managing the clock, checkdown running, short pass and power runs from the two and three option .

Sage can hand it off good, that is the first job a Miami qb has. He is as qualified as anyone to do that. Sage's arm is strongfer than the others for the square out as well. That is the first Norv option when his run game is clicking, a control pass less likely to be a pick that moves chains and allows qb to get clock moving on a run again.
oh boy....this will never end. We can talk for days and week about the QB position and who we think can do what, but is up to the coaches and the players. I hope this kid Sage gets to be a good QB but the fact is that he didn't do much in school and hasn't done anything in the NFL either. I'd like tosee him play at least one real game to see what he can do. I have nothing agaisn't him at all, but lets wait till we see him playt at least one game.
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