Perspective from LeBatard | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Perspective from LeBatard

Perspective? What's that? Dolphin Fans and Perspective do not go together in the same sentence.
i cant argue with any of that, lebatard makes good points...but the fact is that this team has regressed each year and its time for a change.

a possible 10-6 record is fools gold. this team has played a relatively soft schedule and (correct me if i'm wrong) the only winning team they've beaten is baltimore.

the idea is not only to win, but also to compete for a championship. wanny has gotten the personnel he's asked for and has not delivered, its time to move forward.
He admitted he was wrong about wanting Spurrier and Jimmy J. So he was wrong 2 out of 2.
Originally posted by xiidaen
with dave still as HC.

Say hello to DeAngelo Hall in the 1st round. :sleep:
Here's the biggest problem. Even if you get a GM(and I think Speilman is a bit young for that job), the team just doesn't BELIEVE in Dave any more...even LeBastard said....

"Most problematic for Wannstedt, though, is that his players complain about him an awful lot after losses and don't believe in him, his style or his assistants the way, say, the blind zealots in Dallas believe in Parcells. "

...and that attitude is evident when we see persormances like that of the D against the Eagles.
Originally posted by Fiedler for MVP
i cant argue with any of that, lebatard makes good points...but the fact is that this team has regressed each year and its time for a change.

a possible 10-6 record is fools gold. this team has played a relatively soft schedule and (correct me if i'm wrong) the only winning team they've beaten is baltimore.

the idea is not only to win, but also to compete for a championship. wanny has gotten the personnel he's asked for and has not delivered, its time to move forward.

We beat two winning teams: Baltimore and Dallas.

The problem with the article is that even though Wannstedt has a very good record in Miami, his teams have underachieved the past two years. In his first year, we overachieved. In his second, we played well and got to the playoffs. However, the last two years, we have done poorly, and that is with more talent. We have added more talent to this team every year, and every year we do worse. This team has regressed every year under Dave Wannstedt. If we keep him around, we will just regress more.

I don't want to here about his record. The point is that he just hasn't gotten the job done. Even if we win 10 games this year, we still missed the playoffs, and with the talent we have, that is unacceptable.
Wannstedt is Exhibit A in this. He seems to think if he beats the Jets to win 10 games this season it will matter in his keeping his job. You can understand him wanting to survive. But this becomes another strike against him.

Will a Sunday win and the jump from winning nine to 10 games do anything but trigger some false sense of self-defense for Wannstedt?

You see, it's not just wins that matter. It's progress. If Wannstedt really wanted to survive, if he was really thinking of this franchise and not himself, he wouldn't start Fiedler in this meaningless finale against the Jets. He'd start third-string quarterback Sage Rosenfels to see if there's as much to him as the coaching staff keeps suggesting.

The Dolphins have invested two years in Rosenfels. Is he worth more, especially considering the quarterback questions?

But while the Wannstedt Era has been marked by class and dignity, it hasn't been marked by enough boldness or imagination, on the field or off it, as that fourth-and-three decision in New England and this final quarterback decision shows.

Bottom line: The Dolphins aren't any closer to winning anything substantial today than they were four seasons ago when Wannstedt took over.

"Get a GM, then a quarterback",0,4754587.column?coll=sfla-dolphins-front

I think this sums it up nicely... Screw games won and winning percentage and all that BULL! Fiedler supporters pull the same garbage... I don't give a rats hind-quarters about how many games we win over a 4 year period unless they are getting larger each year. Dave rode Jimmy's coat tails at the beginning of his tenure...

22-10 before he fully had his hands on this team... 18-14 (maybe 19-13) since. Hell... look at his Chicago record! I'd rather dump him before he drags us down to 4-12. Bottom line is, are we getting better with Dave, or worse? Follow the trends and you'll see that while Dave may not have done bad enough to be fired yet... odds are that he will in the near future. LeBatard's prospective might be valid for a bad team that became mediocre... but not for a good team that is heading south!
as that fourth-and-three decision in New England and this final quarterback decision shows.

This quote is just ridiculous.. Fiedler was coming off a (by all accounts) STELLAR performance against the Cowboys.. Was he supposed to bench Fiedler after that?? He had no idea how Fiedler would perform the following week.. MANY of us believed Fiedler might have finally found his zone in this offense.. we were all wrong.. but we cant blame Wanne for that..

And as for this past offseason.. who were to have gotten to replace Fiedler? Many thought it was Griese.. but again.. We were all wrong..

This is the year we can finally solve our QB situation for the future.. but you cant fault him for going with Fiedler in 03.. but going with Fiedler in 04 WOULD be a mistake.
DW may be gone soon. But just think.....another coach may not be able to get the players to stop missing tackles, or stop dropping balls, or any of the number of screwups the players have made (not that the coaching/play decisions have room to talk)....but football to Wayne is a business and losing clubs don't sell out stadiums, sell concessions, or make the playoffs at all and lose more money.

Most teams would kill to have the record we have and owners would love more importantly the continual sellout of games and what we may want as 'fans' (to get into the 2nd round of the playoffs every year or if perhaps we're not a bit unreasonable)....we may not get

time will tell I suppose...
No, the pats game and "this final quarterback decision" are not refering to the same instance... read the whole article. "this final quarterback decision" is refering to his starting of Fiedler rather than Sage THIS SUNDAY against the yets... CLEARLY trying to get to the double-digit win mark and save his own hide... rather than test out what is being touted as the phins FUTURE. He's scared... if he plays sage and sage bombs... not only does he not get his 10 game season... his future QB sucks, and he doesn't have ANY reliable depth a QB for next year. Once again, Wanny doesn't have confidence in himself, and doesn't have the cojones to take a risk... sound familiar?
I think this is about where I sit

...though I imagine a fence under me. I'm not convinced that Wanny goes or needs to go. But I am convinced that his general philosophy is too conservative to be successful overall. It's not beyond the realms of possibility that he could adopt a more aggressive stance if he's given the chance.

All of us can point to games where individual mistakes have been close to the sole reason for the loss. Missed tackles, missed field goals, missed blocks, mindless personal fouls by pro-bowl calibre players and the list goes on. But I would rather not be in the situation every game where that is likely to be the case because we haven't attempted to put the game out of reach.

Wanny's philosophy calls for no mistakes, no stupid penalties and winning the TO battle. His personnel have proven incapable of living with the responsibility that brings. His QB choice doesn't fit this profile. They're his personnel, ergo his responsibility. I can live with a philosophical change rather than a change of face, but I cannot stomach the status quo.
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