Perspective from LeBatard | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Perspective from LeBatard

Gaz... I agree with everything except for being on the fence. Wanny's scheme (while boring) could be a very effective one... given the right personel. It should be obvious that this is NOT the right personel. My argument for ousting Wanny is that I do not believe that he can change. With the two choices of ditching the players to match the coach, or ditching the coach to match the players... I think replacing one person is much more realistic than replacing an entire team. The latter is known as rebuilding... and to rebuild with this much talent would be one of the biggest wastes in NFL history that I can think of.
My oh my. The whole object of the season is to WIN the SuperBowl--not post winning records, or have the same records of other coaches or to ALMOST come close! What kind of sorry thinking is this?? WIN THE SUPERBOWL! Everything else short is FAILURE. At least that is the attitude of a winning organization. Wanny SUCKS--period! He is not a good game day planner, some of his personnel moves are weak, he picked Fielder who is a good backup at best--and has stuck with him. Fielder SUCKS and Wanny picked him. I hope the Fins blow the whole thing up and get a new coach, new GM, new offensive personnel--QB, and get rid of some of the FAT overrated defensive players like Madison, Marion, Taylor. I say go for broke. This team as made up will not win a SB in a 100 years. I want a coach who is NOT the conservative *** that BOTH Wanny and JJ are. Open the offense up and IF you DO NOT trust your QB--maybe he is not the right guy for the job?? I would rather start out with a young hunger talented team then some of these overrated, excuse filled coaches and players we now have. Fletcher?? That set this team way back! Try getting some OFFENSIVE players because this defense can NOT carry this team with the WEAK offense we have. Time to get some balls and blow out a LOT of people and start over. You have a nice core of Ricky, McMichaels, Chambers on offense and Surtain and a few others on defense--time to can the rest and face reality. The Fins are mediocre at best.
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